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March 13 , 2025
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 ::  O'Cheese ::  Boo-Reka

Nir Shoshani, born 1976, and lives in Jerusalem. Nir has played guitar, bass and drums (a little of everything), went through some death metal and funky metal bands, until in the age of sixteen he discovered trance in a party of DJ Miko in Givat Olga. It took about six months till he really connected to the music, another year or two till he actually developed a personal taste. In 1995 he went to India and there decided to be a DJ. When he came back to Israel, he started DJing in parties in Jerusalem, and after a year formed together with Assaf Dor the group Gorlation Corporation. After they decided to part ways Nir continues making music on his own working under the names Hujaboy for the more trancey stuff and Boo-Reka for the more technoish stuff. He works with audio only.

In March 2002 he released his debut album-
Hujajoy- in Hommega. His second album- Sonic Tonic- was released in November 2003. In October 2002 he released Boo-Reka- Data Corrupt Factory in Agitato. On compilations he released so far: Gorlation Corporation feat. Domestic- Nes (Hujaboy Rmx) (In My Brain), Hujaboy- Counting Spirals (Israliens 3), Hujaboy- Happy Metal (UFS3), Boo-Reka- Skak (Analog Reflections vol. 3, Psi Trance Explosion Vol 2), Boo-Reka- Champ N Check (Side Effect), Hujaboy- Save Ass (Goa Head 16), Hujaboy- Psychodelichesky (Chronika chapter 1), Hujaboy- Nemesis (Generations), Hujaboy- Kazzam (Future Link), Hujaboy- 27am (Israliens 4), Xerox- Frequency Drive (Hujaboy remix) (7 Eleven), Hujaboy- Flake (Nu-Clear Visions of Israel), Hujaboy- Delete (Remember Ben).

Since 2003 Nir also works with veteran DJ Uri Azen as E-jekt. They released so far: Masa El-Kir (Psychedelic Summer), Afrikan Nightmare (Reefer Madness), Stormy (Wild Life), Nukra (Hujaboy- Sonic Tonic), Toffi Slave (Hujaboy- Sonic Tonic), Bamboo Forest- XTraball (E-jekt remix) (Direct Out).

Nir also makes more experimental electronic music with his brother Tal (Phongshade) as O'Cheese. They released already: Phongshade- Le Stashed Moustache (Fact by Fact), O'Cheese- Inspectre (Devil is a DJ).

Behringer Eurorack mxb1002
Fattar Control Keyboard
PC-P-3 800 mhz, 512 ram
Creamware Power Sampler Sound Card
Korg ms2000 Analog Modeling Synthesizer
Event 20/20 Active Studio Monitors
Programs: Cubase, Wave Lab, Reason, lots of VST instruments (favorite-Halion sampler), lots of plugins.

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