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March 11 , 2025
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In My Brain - selected by Xerox

 ( HOMmega ,  Sep. 2000 )

1. Xerox & Freeman vs. Liquid Metal- In My Brain 7:37 2. Purple & Lunar- Subtle Thrust 8:23 3. Infected Mushroom- Merlin 6:37 4. Maskalin- Oriental Funk (Psy Craft rmx) 7:12 5. Gorlation Corporation feat. Domestic- Nes (Hujaboy rmx) 7:30 6. B.L.T- Human Cube Factory 8:27 7. Spirallianz- One Way Ltd. 7:31 8. Xerox feat. Passenger- Angel Kaya (trance mix) 8:31 9. Jaia- Exosphere (late morning mix) 8:01

A new Hommega compilation- tracks selected and arranged by DJ Moshe Keinan (Xerox). Some massive track of various sounds, various countries, new and old artists, new tracks and remixes- quite a rich musical meal- prepare your stomach!

The opening is smashing- In My Brain is just so powerful- a massive funky tribal morning track, with a real happy psychedelic atmosphere around it, and great engulfing sounds. You can feel the Liquid Metal rough sounds, and of course, very few can rival Xerox & Freeman with breaking and entering. The follow up is just as great, one of the best tracks around lately, which totally enslaved me on the latest Mark Allen mix CD in RTTS (Space Safari mix). Here it is unmixed, deep jazzy funky feeling- I really searched for words for this one, but failed. Some emotions are just better left unspoken- just listen and fly. The two tracks just melt together beautifully. Coming next are Infected Mushroom with Merlin (T3)- what tried to be a step in the direction of club trance, turned up… well, it's still Infected Mushroom with a happy bouncy track, and it's impossible not to dance to this one. I have it for a long time and still find it fun to listen to. It goes well with the overall feeling and atmosphere of the first two openers, stepping into the uplifting realm, with a nice mind drilling twist in the end. Oriental Funk, a great favorite of mine from Freestyle (and TIPworld's Trance de Eivissa), is remixed here (T4) by the new promise from the south of Israel, Psy Craft. The funk is still there, still oriental, and it's a good track, but I can't really see the point in the new interpretation. It is a change in the story of the CD, however, which ventures darker spacious realms here. Gorlation Corporation and Domestic follow with Nes (T5) and here things go darker. Nice tribal beat to this one, it's a nice track but lacking in story and just doesn't do it to me. BLT is here (T6) with another one of his tracks that take a while to discover, but won't leave you once that happened. Actually the name (Human Cube Factory) says it all, and you can feel us humans being cubed with metallic mechanic sounds, relentless pistons, and with a constant machine rattle and hum. A real massive mechanic marching track. Spirallianz with the amazing One Way Ltd., are here as well- this track was praised from almost every possible direction, so I'll join the chorus- it's great!!! Starting with the Black Sabbath intro drawing you immediately to the darkest realms (nobody does that better than the Sabbath). A relentless merciless pounding, beautifully built structure, great sounds, and one of the most powerful driving force I've ever heard in a track. I find the cut to the next track too harsh, too much of a change of atmosphere.
Nevertheless, it's a great track- Angel Kaya is remixed here (T8, the original in Full On 4), and for me the remix is better than the original- classic happy uplifting full on Goa trance. Jaia are back (actually only Yannis) after a long disappearance, and we celebrate the occasion with a great happy ending to this compilation and a nice desert for our musical feast, it's easy to digest, and leaves a nice soothing feeling in the body and mind- a beautiful chilling caressing piece of music.

Recomendation:  This CD surprised me, I knew well 3 of the tracks, and heard 3 others, and was expecting a killer collection of tracks. But from the tracklist it seemed to me that it just wouldn't fit well as a compilation- the organizing and arranging of the tracks seemed weird, but somehow it works, and I find the CD fun to listen to as one unit. A very good debut for Moshe Keinan as a compiler. Recommended.

Favorite tracks:1(!), 2 (!), 3, 6, 7(!), 8, 9.

Review by : Shahar

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