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 ( BNE ,  Feb. 2002 )

1. Eat Static- City of Sin 10:58 2. Space Cat- Power Up 8:20 3. Infected Mushroom- Doremifas 6:13 4. Oforia- The Miner 7:33 5. BLT- The Calling 7:30 6. Dark Soho- Kapa Kuchak 7:12 7. Hujaboy- Happy Metal 7:21 8. Domestic Cosma- X-Port 8:07 9. Violet Vision- Honey 7:35

This is my first review ever done. I am too much into Israeli Trance and sometimes have different view from what the artist really deserves. So don't take too close words said about this disc, this is really one of the best Israeli compilations ever executed and without a doubt a new green branch in trance evolution. Just take a look at my favorites in the end;)

Compiled by Eyal Yankovich, this CD represents the beginning of a new generation in IsraTrance world. I am always curious about any Israeli compilations going out. Great that Eyal (who also compiled the famous IsrAliens series and UFS2) delivers another one, which definitely warms your soul while listening and opens 2002 with honor! The only thing that seems suspicious is the track's position, strange set-up.

Starting with Eat Static, the only non-Israeli act here, opening with a funky, happy, groovy a-la 60s track with some house feeling inside. Morning ladies and gentleman this is what it's all about! This track would make you start jumping and moving your butt whenever you're sitting or lying down! Simple funky a-la cartoon tunes go all through the track. This is something could be called "funky listening". Good build-up and entrances, the Eat Static's power game is felt all the way. Notice the strange smile on your face left after. If this is a city of sin, than let me be in for some more! 10 minutes aren't enough!
(T2) Space Cat got a surprise here for his fans! When I just started listening to this track I thought this was a beginning of a Kreak remix from Beam Me Up and my first thought was how much I missed that sound! Emotional, energetic and cool electronic "talky" tune, which reminds me a lot of Babylon 56's I am blue. A killer!
(T3) Frankly speaking, after Classical Mushroom, I haven't heard anything really refreshing from Infected Mushroom (except Dancing with Kadafi). But I always knew that all things take time and they would be back full power! Welcome to the world of "classical mushroom new generation bonus track". This track has all you need to make you "dig like hell"!!! Yes, it does use the same well-known build-ups, but it has a new feeling inside, like in old good times. No commercial feeling here. Great track, with complex layering and perfect production. All sits well! My favorite here!
(T4) Follows with another morning stomp-killer track from Oforia. He's got a totally new look after releasing Let It Beat. Total morning with clubby thouces. Nothing very special about this track, his new look always leaves a feeling that something is missing, but Ofer always has something that talks to you. And he's still one of the best story tellers- very jumping as always and nice progressive touch.
(T5) BLT's The Call is the less than I expected. Groovy & energetic as usual, but always staying with the same emotional mask on my face. I felt some minimal a-la BLT touches. After all I heard from him I just can't deeply dig this one!
(T6) Dark Soho, well… can't say too much. Very promising entrance that takes you forward. Nice build-up but I dislike long silence before final battle of "prepare to dig" places. No need to threat! You always await something and if it disappoints than the whole track is ruined for you. Same here, reminds me too much of Terra Sancta from IsrAliens 2. A remix is still an alternative.
(T7) Hujaboy with Happy Metal brings his own style to the Israeli scene- German heavy night trance. Without too much noise as it used to be but psychedelic and dark. Delta/COP lovers, this is for you! Fast, experimenting with unusually changed sounds but well layered and making your mind going through racing experience. Very interesting work here. The end is little bit smashed. The track could be going little forward and harder, instead of staying the last 3 minutes almost the same.
(T8) Domestic Cosma are next spreading morning dust all around. The entrance reminds a little of Find Out from Simplicity. Affirmative. Nicely twirling you up and taking into X-Port experience. Energetic and interesting on build-ups. Welcome the morning! I am hard with Domestic hand identification, to me this is all too similar. But Cosma is felt all through the track or was it Domestic then? ;)
(T9) I was expecting much from this track after falling in love with Violet Vision in First Sign of Communication. The ambient beginning plays nicely with your mind when it suddenly transforms into stomping tune which ain't so slow at all but ain't real full on. Great production, and a good ending for this compilation. And as a Violet Vision fan, I missed here something, some very small, but good electronic challenge.

Recomendation:  Very good CD! High quality of sound production. Some things could be improved and it would become a real killer. But despite all, it's very powerful and energetic, making you push play again and again!
Favorites: 1(!!), 2(!!), 3(!!!), 4(!), 5(!), 6, 7(!), 8(!!), 9(!).

Review by : ShivaS

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