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March 13 , 2025
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Understanding the present to develop the future / by Napo (full_on)

Since its very beginning until near the year 2000, the psytrance music genre was one of the least commercial styles of music. There were very few labels and most of the albums released sold less than 2000 copies, though the people involved in the psyscene were very connected to the music and to each other.

Our psyscene is going through changes since the last few years, and this process is accelerating. Examples of major changes are the always increasing number of new labels, artists, and commercial parties; also the objectives of party organizers and of the party goers are now different. What is going on? Are these changes positive? What is going to happen in the future? To help answering these questions it's useful to remember the "old time vibes" and then a look at the present situation of the psytrance scene.

Some feelings are not easy to forget. I remember very well my enthusiasm in the first psychedelic trance parties I was a part of... What is the vibe I'm talking about?

The party was more like a gathering with different kind of people sharing the same objective: having fun while enjoying good psychedelic music and helping others having the same. The introspective element was strong; the psychedelic experience by itself is an individual and frequently introspective journey, so that people change after each gathering.

The gathering begin much early than the party itself, it usually takes place at some wild location, like near a waterfall or at a forest. Some guys arrive first to help cleaning the place and carrying the sound system. Once the sound system begins to work playing some chill tunes, it is easy to see the expectation on every face. Some people start to clean the dance floor while others are painting some backdrop pictures and fixing the decoration… One girl arrives with cold water while other brings some fruits and the feeling of union is overwhelming.

The sun is setting. While some people are having fun juggling, an older woman offers to paint the body of anyone who wants with white and green inks. Some backdrop pictures and other fluorescent paintings showing stars, spaceships, musical notes, fractals and mushrooms are ready while fluorescent three-dimensional string art objects arrive out of nowhere.

One of the guys who was carefully helping to place each piece of decoration on its place goes to the sound system and, surprise: that humble guy is the DJ and he start spinning tracks as different and colorful as people’s clothes. There are not many people on the party, but the dance floor is a spaceship powered by the dance and the psychedelic elements in the music.

The sun is almost rising and suddenly two watermelons are over the table, the fruit has never tasted so sweet. A respectful attitude toward the party is reflected on every one’s face, the dance floor and the bathrooms are as clean as they can be because people feel at home.

This is sort of a utopia. In this scenario, the gathering develops itself into the party and, instead of giving money, people give their selves.

With the commercialization of the psytrance music genre, a lot of "feeling of gathering" was lost. Some organizers followed cheap party recipes, not caring about providing a good environment for a proper psychedelic journey. Problems on parties range from trash on the dance floor and its impact on nature to the lack of water; also, problems with electricity and sound systems. Some DJs are more interested in the fame than about being focused in delivering a unique journey to the crowd. For example, some DJs insist in playing mainly unreleased tracks, even when these tracks do not fit the flux of their music set and are not as good as many already released ones. Just look at old Top 10s from many people, you’ll see a lot of bad and "never to be played again" tracks that were only in the Top 10 because they were unreleased by that time.

But what led to these changes in our psyscene? In my opinion one of the most relevant changes came from the wrong idea that parties with "big names" in the line up are automatically good. Bad party organizers all around the globe started to explore this idea, promoting commercial events using artists’ and DJ’s names to attract the greatest amount of public as possible. Important elements of the psychedelic parties, like decoration, good sound system, trash cans, and chill space started being ignored, and I dare to affirm that the whole PLUR idealism was cast aside, because, by doing this, the party become more profitable.

The focus of the parties changed from the music, the psychedelic ambient and the gathering itself to the fame of the artists. It’s just another expensive party in which electronic music is being played, not an ambient in which the music connects the crowd with all other the psychedelic elements, creating that intense feeling of peace, union and respect.

A lot of people in the crowd are not really connected to the music, they enjoy the music because it's "another party", but they don’t really respect it. Many are at the party just to take drugs and during the party the amount of trash on the floor is disgusting. Instead of helping in creating the mood of the party, most of the people in the crowd at big one-day parties just buy their places there.

Of course there are still responsible and professional organizers, labels and DJs, and in their hands lies future of the "still underground, but profitable" psy scene. Good party organizers are essential to the development of the scene, because it takes money to make 3-or-more-days festivals in some beautiful place. These festivals usually bring people that are more connected to the music, some of them have never experienced the psychedelic side of nature before, and this can change the way they see the psytrance parties. These festivals are organized by people who care about the quality of the party (sound system, food, decoration and chill out space) and usually promote alternative activities at their parties, like workshops on juggling and meditation.

Reliable labels search for the best productions to release, giving adequate treatment to the demos they receive and signing good DJs and artists that produce quality music within the label style. Professional DJs really take their time practicing and searching for new mixing techniques, listening to their music while keeping in mind the flow they want to produce and the vibe they want to transmit.

And there is and will always be a very small non-profitable scene, in which each member collaborates to the development of the party. The future of the psyscene is in everyone's hands, and we can make it better if, instead of waiting for answers and for others, we begin doing it by ourselves.

as someone who just got back from goa, i can totally relate to the article. from my ecxpirince there are three basics for a good party:
1. good people = good energies, not so easy to explaine, but who ever been to a good party understands perfactly...
2. music : good psy music in the night is a must, so each person gets into his own "trance", and in the sunrise, the eyes says it all....
3.location: open air is a must, in a beautiful place, you feel connected with nature again, which is somthing we should all do...
i really belive that psytrance is the future, we just need to understand all these energies which are created in a good party....
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After reading your article i have a big big big smile.......A lot of good memoriessss.......and new memories to create....
A lot of people that we have to show and transmit what PLUR is.......
Saludosss from Mexico................

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infected mushroom,skazi,void,hypersonic,tube,time lock,antix,sub6,yahel,rinkadink and other are just bad,bad a very bad things.
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when money starts appearing, so do the pigs. there certainly are a lot of pigs in mexico.
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Gostaria estar atualizado no mundo do som eletronics.... O meu obrigado!!!
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I am creates PSY TRANCE traks, but in my town and maybe country, people do not understand that music. Help me to contact with musicants or labels.
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Hey Nabbo ;)
first i have to say that i find many aspects wich i agree to. but also some (only a few) of wich i lil different...
i do really like your understanding of a good party and i think that there are few who dont and i can also understand that we have to save this kind of party .but what is a bad party? ones with huge amounts of people? perhaps. but the people are the party.if the music s good and the mood is right u can also have a good party with many people because especcialy on these 3day festivals at least on sunday most people had their personal trance (wether with drugs or without) and feel connected to the music and respect it in their own way.
Imagine you have a little party with a few people on it and as suprise guest,your friend has booked infected mushroom. wouldnt u dance because you like the music they produce? i think they are great artists and that it would be wrong refuse them just because they earn money.ts just normal these days. why shouldnt they be earning some fruits for their work.
And what u said why parties with big names are the good(or bad) ones. Perhaps its not always like this but big names mostly bellong to big artists and big artists should have ability to create a mood with their music.(i was on voov last year and my friend told me after the astrix liveset that this was the most beautyful sunrise he ever saw...and he didnt know astrix or his trax)so a party for me is also good when the people feel good. then i dont mind if the floor is a little dirty.(although its disgusting i know)

Dont understand me wrong, i dont want to talk against you and your point of view...i really like it, but what i want to say is that u cant fight this kind of development in the scene.
partys have big names...many people come...names get biger...party gets bigger...next year they have even bigger ones and even more people come Thats the way it goes and the only thing u can do is create more underground parties for real hippies like some of us... raspect and keep spirit alive
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I totally agree with GETTOBLASTER!
I think in avery party, some people will say after leaving it, that it was great, but other people might say that it was terrible. The people make their own party, in my opinion!
And I also think that these "big" artists deserve merit for their work! Because there's a lot of good, I mean, Very good music from them!
What we have to do is show these pelople who go to parties only because they're commercial parties, that there's much more behind the music, decoration and the party itself...there's P.L.U.R!!!!!
Thanx...lots of love!
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The problem is not with the big names.
The problem is how some producers explore the artists image in order to get money, and forget about all other psychedelic elements of a party.

Of course there is a lot of party with famous artists that a are good. Search for these parties and enjoy them. ;)
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i dig your styles and have a passion for the partys and the music, if there were two things i could say to any 1st timers gurus of the scene would be; the best thing about pschedelic music is it allows your imagination to be wherever it wants to go, look at the mountains, take it in, and take it with...peace
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We have to understand one thing: Trance music don`t have nothing to be about understanding it, it is about feeling, we don`t don`t dance music we feel the music when we keep the message and show how it is, people will know and be conscious of the meaning of this lovely scene
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Execuse mee plees for vis messaga posted from Norenbergen Shutgorto blin...
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장된 페이지'는 웹을 검색한 당시의 문서 상태를 보여 드립니다. 있습니다. 하이라이트 색깔표시 없이
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Hello everyone, wanna be part of some kind of community, possible here? anyone here?
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Hey all..
THe essence of a party is not just the amount of people or the artists....its the vibe..a nd anyone whos been to a party knows that.People with the vibe...don't litter, dont cause any disturbance to anyone...and basically abide by P.L.U.R....now let me tell you of my understanding of what ruins everything....its very simple...money....u bring anything material into this whole P.L.U.R way of life....it ruins it alll..first of all i believe there shouldnt have been any record labels....just artists releasing their work randomly for free.....and organizers who organize festivals listen to random artists ....and based on their work hire them for a festival...and pay them a fee worth their performance by all means..and most organizers today like to eat up all themoney they make....while the artists do all the work.......also psy music should be only played at parties or distibuted for free...thats how it started out anyway...and artists can take their cut for the performance for these parties...and no artist should make money releasing stuff....this would have prevented commercialization ..and only those true to the vibe would attend and be happy to help, pay or trip...also by selling on record labels ...lost of costs go into the labels profits...why not just eliminate these guys ...u make your own cd's ...sell tehm .. mae some money....we all know that psychedelia is not about popularity but authenticity...

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And Besides What's up with these idiots posting random bull shit...i suggest you'll guys in the isra team to clear up this mess..
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^^^ Artists should rely on getting paid by promoters??


Good one!

Most parties will put aside big $$$ for big name internationals and then suddenly get tight to pay local artists and DJ's ! Sometimes a psytrance track can take months of careful work. You think that it should be free!
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Hello! great idea of color of this siyte!
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just draw attention on underground scene like Doof records. Today there are many artists and a lot of labels who says "we are making psychedelic", but they don't.
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