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March 12 , 2025
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Cosmic Tone - Overwhelming

 ( Trancelucent ,  Apr. 2003 )

1. Hard to Open 8:28 2. Total Lust 7:57 3. Mukambaru 8:52 4. Human 8:33 5. Cosmic Tone 7:25 6. Love Expression 9:23 7. Stress Pill 9:56 8. Not Like That At All 10:05

Cosmic Tone debut CD is a project by Roei Nissan and Ngoa Sudai (currently, however, Noga is not a part of the project anymore, the guys have split and each makes music on his own). Until they released this album, they had 2 tracks out - both on Pneumatic Angels (an excellent compilation by the way). Their style is progressive - but very atmospheric, airy and optimistic.

Hard to Open is quite well opened, building up very well and opening the ears and mind to their sound. Total Lust adds the tribal dimension to their music, but misses a part of the strong feeling of the previous track. Mukambaru is again a happy track, quite tribal as well, which reminds me a lot of Hard to Open. Subtle background effects, chopped pads and touching tiny melodies. Human is a dark one, maybe to reflect the human nature. Hypnotic bassline and psychedelic background effects make this one a track for the mind. The self titled track, Cosmic Tone, comes back to the light. Somewhat full-onish bassline, combined with atmospheric sounds make this one a bit confused in my opinion, although it gets better at some points. Love Expression and Stress Pill are as well weaved in the form of light and dark, last one being the light. The album closes with Not Like That At All - and if the previous tracks were the light - this one is the sun. This track is very well built, happy melodies, but all in an atmospheric way.

Recomendation:  Each track on its own is ok, especially the "light" tracks - odd numbers and the last. The tracks don't fit too well as an album, mainly because of the way they're ordered (too confused and lacking a story), and the lack of variety.
My favorites: 1(!), 3, 5, 7, 8(!).

Review by : Mike A

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