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March 13 , 2025
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Violet Vision - First Sign of Communication

 ( BNE ,  Nov. 2001 )

1. Divine Conflict 6:35 2. Inside the Glass Shell 6:35 3. Fingering Nuns on Mars 5:51 4. 3 Martians 10:26 5. Sense 8:07 6. Violet's Vision 0:17 7. Momentary Lapse of Consciousness 7:26 8. Substance 44 8:21 9. Gray Matter 6:59 10. Panic Disorder 7:22

A real electronic surprise awaits you here, not trance, though trancey influences are felt, but psychedelic enough, no doubt. Violet Vision deliver a massive complex debut that goes through a multiple choice of styles- ambient, chillout, electro, jungle, d'n'b, trance, breaks- all blending nicely together. This album offers beautiful melodies, diverse rhythms, crazy sound manipulation, constant moves, changes and breaks. All dipped in a lot of imagination, a lot of feel, and a lot of feelings. Some humor is not missing. You get all that in very good production, and clear sound, though it's a bit too sharp and edgy, could be a bit dirtier. Eat Static influence is felt all through the CD (that'll give you a clue as to what we're dealing with here).

It all starts with Divine Conflict, a chilled jungley track, continues smoothly into Inside the Glass Shell (T2), a real dark and mellow track with distorted singing reminding me of the early days of electronic music, crazy sounds and nice jumpy breaks. Fingering Nuns on Mars (T3) offers oriental singing and melodies on a drum'n'bassy rhythms with James Bond melodies on top- nice and funny. 3 Martians (T4) start real relaxed and for sure gonna give you some real surprises- I'm not gonna say more, just that Eat Static influence is highly felt here. Sense (T5) was already released in Life Is... and showed a lot of promise right then- a caressing magical journey through consciousness and sounds. Momentary Lapse of Consciousness (T7) continues after the introish Violet's Vision (T6) in an open airy atmosphere, a great dreamy chill out tune. Substance 44 (T8) is my favorite here- this is totally nuts- so layered and complex and full of beautiful little gems to discover. A real masterpiece. Gray Matter (T9) takes you deep down to a heavily smoked up dark cellar cafe in some alley in some kasbah. Enjoy the ride. Panic Disorder ends the album in disorder all right. A real nutty tune that'll twist your mind around- but... don't panic!

Recomendation:  For all of you looking for something different, a varied enjoyable complex musical creation awaits you here. Will do much good for the developed electronicated mind.

Favorite tracks:Well... I like it all (apart from 1 & 3, which I like a little less).

Review by : Shahar

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