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March 13 , 2025
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 ( Doof ,  Jun. 2002 )

1. Zirkin- Bar Cochva 7:07 2. FOL- Where’s the Beef? 8:55 3. Zion & Mechanix- Zionix 7:42 4. Bonky & Jocid- Key Shot 6:52 5. Kopsses- Stop 7:24 6. Hominus Nocturna- Gnosis 11:04 7. FOL- Laet 8:15 8. Zirkin- Shuri the Monster 8:15

When I first heard this compilation (which has an amazing cover art), most of the names were unknown to me. I only heard about Bonky (Onno Borgen) who had died in an accident a while a ago, and of Zirkin, who released an album somewhere. After giving it a few listens, I can clearly say that this compilation holds a great treasure of talent in it. This is not the regular trance, hard to find any familiar style in it. Most of the tracks here are wacky, somewhat dark, experimental and full of effects. Even though the sound production is lacking and could have been better, this compilation is full of new experimental ideas, which is always a good thing to have.

The first track is Bar Cochva by Zirkin. Bar Cochva is a figure from Jewish history, but I do not seem to find any connection to it and the track. The track itself is quite monotonous, with repetitive effects, not the cream of this compilation. Comes next is FOL with Where's the Beef?- Some bizarre sounds and we enter a very groovy piece of music. It slowly evolves, adding sound after sound into a happy track that puts a smile on my face. The next track is the cooperation between Zion & Mechanix - which gives birth to Zionix. This time we're into psychedelia and there is a lot of it. From the interesting bassline through the bizarre samples and to the funky sounds, this is the track to bring confusion (if you can put it that way) to your mind. Track number 4 is another cooperation, this time between Bonky & Jocid. This time we're going a bit harder with a pounding kick drum and aggressive hi-hat lines. Yet again, funky psychedelic lines dominate this track, and give a hell lot of food for your brain. Halfway into the album and we reach Stop by Kopsses. The beat is slow and heavy and accompanied by many twisted psychedelic lines, and samples. A dark track fit for slow and heavy digging. The sixth track is Gnosis by Hominus Nocturna. The bpm goes up, and we get some melodies, something which I've been missing throughout this compilation. A dirty bassline and ghostly noises in the background are here to scare you. In my opinion, this track is too long for its contents, which makes it somewhat boring, but it is still good. FOL are back on the seventh track with Laet. We get to hear the familiar bassline, which already gives me a smile. Like the rest of this compilation, extreme wacky sounds that are hard for the mind and easy for the body. The closing track is Shuri The Monster by Shahar Zirkin- psychedelic and hard hard sound.

Recomendation:  Production is not top notch, but this album is recommended for those who are not afraid of new sounds and unexplored domains.
Favorites: 2,3,6,7.

Review by : Mike A

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