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March 13 , 2025
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 ( Doof ,  2002 )

1. Reflex 8:42 2. Kopsses Event (remix) 6:15 3. Doo-Z-Ness 6:23 4. Deep Breath 7:12 5. Puble Diplome 2002 7:22 6. Hi-Way 10:53 7. Squid 8:27 8. Final Fantasy 8:11 (with A-Tan Injection) 9. Fluffy Thing 8:16

Kopsses are Adar, Omer & Shay from Bat-Yam.They are a part of the Doof group- meaning hard and dark underground sound.

First track is Reflex, an introduction to the Kopsses sound- low bpm, dim kickdrums and "dancing" basslines. Many vocals and effects give this track the feeling of a story. After grooving to Reflex we get to the Kopsses Event (the original was released on Acid Test). A lot of flying effects again with hardly any melodies. This is digging time for the brain- monotonous beat and psychedelic sounds. Number three on the album is Doo-Z-Ness. A great beginning- I really liked the sample that advances to the track itself. More effects on this one, and a game on them. Deep Breath (T4) picks up some BPM and even attempts to be a bit fullonish. Nonetheless, it still has much more effects then melodies and it is extremely psychedelic. Public Diplome 2002 comes next and we get a sharp change in style. The beat is much deeper and the effects sound like it's a Goa track. Hi-Way comes back to the minimalism that dominated the first part of the album, and does it even better. Much happier effect games and some improvement on the structural side. Track number 7, Squid, shows an attempt in melodies and some breakbeats, which fails miserably. Fortunately, Final Fantasy comes to save the day with an impressive melodic and trippy beginning and many melodies during the track. Those guys can do trippy melodies very well, when they want to. Fluffy Thing is the closing track for the album. Basically like the rest, but with guitars added and lower BPM, which give you a sweet taste for the ending.

Recomendation:  It starts a bit weak but gets better and better with each track (except for Squid). This album combines it all- full on, minimal, dark, etc. It's very psychedelic and trippy and contains experimental material for the brain.
My favorites: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8(!), 9.

Review by : Mike A

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