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March 13 , 2025
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Tribal Dance Experience

 ( HOMmega ,  May. 2001 )

1. Infected Mushroom- B.P.Empire (Deep Mix) 2. Element- Akasha 3. Green House Effect vs. Sandman- Tribal Blah-Blah 4. Ticon- Maestro, Let the Drums Begin 5. Quirk- Tribodelic (Mumbo Jumbo remix) 6. Atmosfire feat. Paul Didj- Tribal Dance (Live@The Forum) 7. Yahel- Devotion 8. Domestic & Astrix- Pure Energy 9. Maskalin- Freakish (Funkick Mix) 10.Psy Craft- Life In Mono

A new compilation dedicated to the big festival by the same name that happened here in Israel in the beginning of May- most artists here also played at the festival, that was successful and promises to be the first in a long line, happening every year. Hommega & Phonokol compiled here a real nice journey into tribal beats, going through a wide range of styles, but keeping it pretty much together.

Opens the compilation is the deep mix of B.P.Empire that appeared on B.P.Empire CDS, a real different Infected Mushroom, and actually different than anything else I've heard. Nice subtle yet powerful track, with nice percussions and touching caressing melodies. A swift move to Element's Akasha, probably the closest thing to the ultimate tribal dance experience- crazy tribal drums and percussion, with amazing build-ups, breaks and entrances, and a real happy atmosphere that transforms me to a midst of a tribe of beautiful colorful people dancing in frenzy under the sun- excellent! A great sound melting move to Itzik Levy's inner battle between his two project- Sandman & Green House Effect- the outcome is not schizophrenic at all- you get subtle caressing atmospheric sound of GHE together with Sandman's crazy games of sound in the back (check the Black Sabbath bells & crazy hi-hats)- tribal fun with powerful atmosphere. Ticon comes next with Maestro, Let the Drums Begin- a hypnotic tribal typical Ticonish tune, with great layering and amazing percussions, as usual. The Mumbo Jumbo remix to Quirk's Tribodelic I like more than the original- it has more power in it- great drumming and percussion, great groove and flying psychosound, all in an airy atmosphere with a strong drive. Next comes Atmos Fire, an Israeli band, and I mean band- they have a bass player (Michael Benson, ex-Mashina), a drummer and a Keyboard/electronics/percussion man. Here they're also hosting a Didj player. They give us Tribal Dance (T6)- real tribal rhythmic monotone trance tune the way they used to sound when the whole world was still in tribes (technologically boosted of course) with amazing Didj work- this was recorded live- I saw these guys play- and I can only recommend you do the same (soon they have an album coming on Phonokol). Without notice things get a bit of a different direction, though the move is very very smooth and doesn't hurt the one journey feel of the CD. Yahel with his biggest hit on the dancefloors of Europe- Devotion (T7)- starting very tribal to open up in the middle to a moving melody like only Yahel can make- great emotional track touching you deep down inside. Domestic & Astrix continue this with their amazing Pure Energy (T8), very clubby, almost jazzy sounds, and powerful moving yet subtle melodies- great track, but not really tribal though. Follows (in the only non-smooth change of trax here) a different mix of Freakish (T9) the opener to Maskalin's new album, a cute slow disco style groovy track, nice happy atmosphere with a lot of sneaky funky sounds. Psy Craft end the CD, with what is to be the intro to their upcoming album, and serves as a nice outro here, relaxing things on the way out.

Recomendation:  A fun diverse compilation with great tracks, smoothly woven together, and a clear story. I know this CD was made in a rush, but the outcome doesn't show it. A happy tribal dance.

Favorite tracks:1, 2(!), 3-6, 8, 9.

Review by : Shahar

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