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March 11 , 2025
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Infected Mushroom - B.P.Empire

 ( BNE ,  May. 2001 )

1. Never Ever Land 145bpm 7:45 2. Unbalanced (baby killer rmx) 140bpm 7:15 3. Spaniard 142bpm 7:38 4. B.P.Empire 143bpm 7:26 5. Funchameleon 145bpm 6:55 6. Tasty Mushroom 147bpm 6:56 7. Noise Maker 145bpm 7:39 8. P.G.M 140bpm 7:20 9. Dancing with Kadafi 120bpm 10:17

After my first two listens to this album I thought I'm not gonna write a review for it- you know my policy- "not like- not write". But, I listened more, and I'm writing, am I not?
Infected Mushroom are releasing their third album after The Gathering caught the psytrance world's attention and Classical Mushroom became a huge hit CD. Everybody was waiting for Infected around the corner- some anxious for new mushi music, and some, well... waiting to say: "you see, we told you they can't make it last". It seems Infected made an album that puts them in a catchy spot- a lot of people that liked Infected for the catchy sweeping, and at times simple, melodies, might find this album too much. Others will still find here the Infected happy melodic base, that seems to put off many people. But, if you're willing to clean your mind from all this, and you're looking for good complex melodic full on trance with amazing sound and production and some very interesting ideas- give it a few listens- and you will find here a good CD.

Never Ever Land opens the CD and is one of my two most favorites here, an amazing touching and moving tune with fairy-land feel all over it. Unbalanced (T2) is a remix of an old track of the guys from Ptzatzot 2. Not much is left from the original, except for the sweet melodic line, the track itself keeps changing and has one massive scratchy spacey sound that does all the work, plus some very unexpected changes and moves. Spaniard (T3) is a darkish massive stomper with driving rhythms, that starts getting interesting only after the break- nice surprise in the end. B.P.Empire that was out on the single can be tiresome at times, it's a massive full on track, packed with ever-changing sounds, going in and out, up and down, and there's a groove to move you butt!!! Give this one some time, it grows on you. Funchameleon (T5) is funky! Ticklish percussion games, great bass guitar melody, beautiful melodies, and spooky break- a favorite. Tasty Mushroom (T6) you just gotta love, with that little Latin opener (kastanietas in the air everyone!), woven all along this dancefloor hit- and the break and entrance- "do you want to have a tasty mushroom?" Ola Chickita! Another favorite here. Noise Maker (T7) & P.G.M (T8) that follow are two more Infected dancefloor hits, but would be much more at place on compilations or B-sides- it's getting tiring by this point, and two different track more in tune with Dancing with Kadafi would make this album a much better home listen. I think we deserve to get from Infected more than a collection of party hits, and this was the place to do it. Now the last track is my other most favorite one- a different story, and maybe shows what's to come. This is a totally melodic and very moving creation at 120bpm, with a lot of live instruments at work and a long fairy tale story- really fun to dive inside. Some more like these, maybe with little more twists would make me very happy.

Recomendation:  This is a good CD, it's moving, it has top sound and production (the sound is just ALIVE here), it's great dancefloor material, and it's also interesting. It has some weak points, and it shows Infected Mushroom are searching for new frontiers- I believe their next CD will define some of those, but until they make it I recommend to enjoy this one. It is very enjoyable.

Favorite tracks:1(!), 2, 3, 5, 6, 9.

Review by : Shahar

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