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March 12 , 2025
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The Digital Dance of Shiva

 ( Shiva Space Technology ,  Jul. 1999 )

1. Luminus- Diablo 7:56 140bpm 2. Tal & Yossi- Deltot 7:59 140bpm 3. Infected Mushroom- Small Moves 7:20 140bpm 4. Analog Mohicans- Different Worlds 7:56 144bpm 5. Darksoho- The Fusion 8:23 145bpm 6. Shidapu feat. SST- Wheels of Time 8:01 144bpm 7. Sinister Funk- Mintfunk 9:09 144bpm 8. Infected Mushroom- Intelligate 7:12 144bpm 9. Dark Entity- Get Out 8:22 145bpm

The long awaited SST004 is here and with a force! This one brings us new sounds from old (relatively) and new names, mostly from Israel.

Three tracks here involve Erez Eizen who had a massive presence on SST former releases. Two tracks with Duvdev as Infected Mushroom, and one solo track as Shidapu that was made in SST studios in Germany. Small Moves and Intelligate where previously released on Infected Mushroom 12" on SST. Small Moves (T3) is a difficult one- weird "Hi, anybody out there?" & "small moves" samples, great beat games, really weird sounds, and the inevitable scratchy melody. A very heavy track with an optimistic melody, and very very groovy! Intelligate (T8) is the better of the two Infected Mushroom tracks here. The track starts with a sample of Jodie Foster in "Contact" and there is another sample from the movie along the track that sounds just twisted and freaky followed by a creepy sampling of Duvdev's voice turning slowly into an integral part of the music. This is a great track with a great groove and a lot of jumpy energy. New refreshing sounds, always twisting and swirling around you and off course there is always the great melodic work- I love this track!!!
Wheels of Time (T6) is the definitely the best track in this CD, this one alone is worth buying this CD. Erez strikes us with great minimalistic melodic work, great sounds and all and all with a beautifully built track with an amazing crazy whistling build up to top it- crazy stuff!!!
Luminus is also here (Diablo- T1) with a completely different direction the previous stuff he released, this guy has a lot of talent, and here it takes the right direction- a beautiful dark scratchy night track. We have some more new names here- Tal & Yossi with Deltot (T2), a nice energetic minimalistic track with great spooky scratching sounds and beautiful percussion work. Analog Mohicans with Different Worlds (T4) bring us a nice jumpy and funky track with great vocal sampling, distorted guitar-like lines and an optimistic ending. Also here are Sinister Funk, Opher Yisraeli (DJ Indiadrop) and David Cuddihy, bringing us trance from NYC. Mintfunk (T7) is a very psychedelic and intense track with a lot of effects and scratching and sci-fi sounds, no harmonies here- this is too much for me, though it definitely is something new.
Zeev Dukman is involved in two tracks here. Zeev was part of Chemical Synthesis when they released three amazing tracks on Astronomic Trance. Since then Zeev left and Chemical Synthesis got lost in the world of Nitzhonot. I've been waiting for new stuff to come from this guy and although I must say I like those tracks on Astronomic better, the two tracks that involve him here are not disappointing. With two other guys from the Krayot (the suburbs of Haifa), Omer and Boxer, working as Darksoho we get The Fusion (T5) that opens with a mysterious melody and creeping sound and turns to a dark chaotic crazy night track with heavy metal guitars in 3/4 - beautiful! Zeev alone (Dark Entity- Get out- T9) closes this compilation with a truly dark track, packed with scratching, squeaking and mind bending sounds with a very hard beat and a spooky atmosphere.

Recomendation:  As I said the Shidapu track alone makes this one worth buying and together with two Infected Mushroom tracks, no more recommending needed. The rest of the tracks have a lot to offer also and SST are promising us again music for the future.

Favorite tracks:1, 3, 4, 6(!), 8(!), 9.

Review by : Shahar

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