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March 12 , 2025
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Astronomic Trance - compiled & mixed by DJ Ziki

 ( Shem ,  Oct. 1998 )

1. Chemical Synthesis- Never Seen 8:27 2. Saycholoop- New Influence 5:39 3. Electro Fade- The Scratch 6:21 4. Chemical Synthesis- Restoration 7:57 5. Electro Fade- New Generation 5:52 6. Chemical Synthesis- Green Sunrise 8:05 7. Saycholoop- X Creation 6:12 8. Zoultan- Terror Trance 6:29 9. Phenomenal (Clockwork&Cybel)- Flag 5:47

Sometimes the best things come from the least expected places. This is the ultimate night music CD (music and not just bending sounds). AMAZING STUFF!!!!!!!! It's mostly unknown Israeli artists (except maybe for Cybel, Zoultan and Clockwork, not that they are that famous), which make great Israeli night music the way I want to hear it. Chemical Synthesis is a name to remember, these 2 guys (Avishay Terdiman & Zeev Dukman) have 3 tracks here, all of them just great. They make very complex, psychedelic music. It’s very intense and powerful, yet still uses melodies and drags you upwards. Track 1 is one of the best I've ever heard, real psychedelic with dripping water and twittering birds sounds and the powerful scratching effects from space- WOW! Track 4 has again a lot of psychedelic effects from space and a slow sneaking melody and nice rhythm changes in the middle. The track ends going up with a strong melody. Track 6 starts with a great guitar entrance and then just keeps on banging your head faster and faster. I’m waiting for a solo album from these guys, will let you know. Saycholoop have 4 tracks here, 2 with DJ Ziki as Electro Fade. Track 2 has very spooky sounds with a great electric cat sound (or at least that’s what it sounds to me). Track 3 is a classic marching track with a nice melody coming and going. Track 5 is very packed and intense, maybe a bit too much. Zoultan fits in this compilation with a heavy night track, different then anything else I’ve heard from him before. To end this beautiful CD, there is the Phenomenal track (Amir Dagan & Along Algrasi) which is great with a melody that makes you want to shout and a great laughing sample, the second best track in this unbelievable compilation (after the first track).

Recomendation:  BUY!BUY!BUY! This is really something new here, with new music from new people, I’ve heard this CD many times and just don’t get tired of it. Also perfect mixing and compiling work from DJ Ziki- Way to go!

Favorite tracks:1(!), 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 (!).

Review by : Shahar

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