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March 13 , 2025
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Rewired compiled by DJ Clown

 ( Jester Records ,  Apr. 2006 )

01. Dj Preach - Oxygen Enhanced - 8:26 02. Nuclear Ramjet - Down the Wall - 06:44 03. Three Point Turn - Klush Kingdom - 05:08 04. Kali-Frogz - Dismembered - 05:41 05. Triac - Versa - 06:05 06. Tao vs Metalogic - Irrational Impulse (4x4 mix) - 06:58 07. Authentik - Les 3 Machines - 05:58 08. Spirallianz - Bp Talk - 05:59 09. Tao - Pacific Intervention - 07:30 10. Hidra - Fixed - 05:32 11. Toltech - Codigo Rojo - 07:44 12. Axiomata - New Normal rmx - 05:51

This is the debut release of a Jester Records, a new Canadian label runned by DJ Clown, who also is the compiler of this Tech-Trance release. The tech-trance is a subgenre of psytrance that's getting each day more underground. For example, here in Brazil I never heard a Techtrance tune at a party.
I liked the comments inside the booklet like: "Together we will grow!" or "Super HUGE thanks to you for supporting our cause. Techtrance or DIE!"
Another thing I liked is the flags near the artist's names, so that I can id from which country each artist are.
The mastering was made by DJ Drenkrom.
The cover design and the label logo were made by Lunatixx shows a drawing of a DJ near some nature elements.

The album begins with its longer track (T1), more than 8 minutes long. This also happens to be a very diverse track, with two main bass lines and a always present chanting. At first I didn't liked it, but now it seems more involving and I imagine this must work on the dance floors, but I not sure to which style this track belongs. Good starter. With this second track (T2) we're officially on the realms of Tech-Trance. An obscure kick with a tenebrous bass and a lot of metalic noises... There is sample somewhere in the middle, maybe in French... This night track is not too fast, but too raw for my taste, I need at least two ice cubes to swallow this one. The bass at the start of the Three Point Turn track (T3) is loud; these French guys are trying to blow the sound system or what? Another tech tune, metallic noises and powerful bass, but not my style. Dismembered (T4) makes me glad to have my legs, so that I can dance to this dance floor cracker. This track is more danceable than the two previous and present us the diet side of techtrance. Good Job, I liked this one! Triac's Versa (T4) has a pounding bass. A good work on the snares and a pounding bass. Evolve slowly, like some other Triac's tracks I've heard before, but not a copy specially because of the pounding bass. A classic tech-trance build up and the elements are arriving together at the right time. Good effect on the floor! Did I mention it has a pounding bass? Are you ready for a loud kick/bass? Why the name is 4x4 mix (T6) if the kick is only "one, two, three, one, two, three..." Must be a joke, after all it's a Jester release! Jokes apart what attracted me in this track were the background noises (when I can hear them) and some games this music has in it. This is the music (T7) I was waiting from the Jester Court. Not only it will set the dance floor to another dimension, but also it sounds endless in spite of having less than 6 minutes. And when finally it is over, BANG, it is not over. Exceptional track! I'm 100% sure I'm going to open my next night set with this one! Another exceptional track, this time from Spirallianz (T8)! Good "melodies" in the breaks and clean sounds makes this one of the best tracks around here. Also it's the faster track here with 142 bpm. The samples add a special touch to this winning tune. Another favorite. Next we have a more tech track (T9), which imported a lot of elements from other styles, I liked this blend! There is sort of a melody that really sounds "pacific" in the middle of all the noises+kick+bass. I getting addicited to this track, it’s so good to dance to and also to enjoy with some coffee, after all it makes me feel good things! Hidra arrives with a more straight forward tech-trance (T10), the bass has a huge role here and I'd say this is an average tech tune. Works nice, but could have a bit more diversity. Not like the three previous tracks. New Normal rmx (T11) is a perfect follow up for the previous track, this fact happens between many tracks here and makes this compilation much more joyful to listen. What we have here is another strong tech-trance tune, very characteristic and effective on the floor, it's so diverse that's almost on the threshold of randomness. After a long intro we finally hear the beats of the track (T12) in which our nice listening experience ends. Being slower than the previous tracks is no problem, since it has an involving atmosphere to compensate. This last track is very well executed, it is easy to see the concept behind it, and it has a story behind it that is only found in the Authentik and the Spirallianz on this release. Nice atmosphere to close this first chapter of the Jester Records history.
So what we have here? I think this is a solid debut release. Congratulation DJ Clown, you just gave a huge first step in the right direction. Good names here, Some I heard before, must of them I never heard about, but I sure I'm gonna keep an eye on these guys' music.

Recomendation:  This release is a good ride into the usually unexplored realms of psytechtrance. Very positive points are the way the tracks melt into each other, the wide bpm range (from 134 to 142), the order of the tracks and the 78 minutes of music in nothing less 12 previously unreleased tracks. Yes, twelve dance floor directed tracks, this is very unusual in psytrance releases and I respect that very much. What I miss here is the track bpms and, why not, a DJ sleeve.
I recommend this release for anyone who likes Tech-Trance or who are interested in discovering its realms. This release is also a good start for those who are on other electronic music styles and want to explore psytrance, but find dark psy too scary and most full on releases too cheesy. The music here is strong.
Favorites: 1, 7(!!), 8(!), 9(!).

Review by : full_on.

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