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March 10 , 2025
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Loud are Eitan Reiter and Kobi Toledano from the Krayot (suburbs of Haifa in the north of Israel). They’ve never studies musical formally, but were always surrounded by it and grew up listening to music and collecting it. Kobi discovered trance in a forest party in 1994 and in 2000 started to experiment with producing it. Eitan got exposed also in the early 90s with some old Goa tapes, and as soon as he found the Impulse Tracker he started to write music. The guys met in 2005 through a mutual friend who introduced them and started to work together.
Eitan also produces minimal techno & trance and chillout under his own name, and is part of the downtempo electronica duo Unoccupied.

Loud have released two album: Some Kind of Creativity (Drive, 2006), Abstract (Drive, 2008). They have also compiled a compilation Private Lesson (Drive, 2007) that came out as a double CD with a 3 track EP, The Edge, included.

They have released the following tracks on compilations: Loud- Beautiful Day (Enemies & Allies), Loud- Small Talk (Return of the Boom Shanti), Loud- Elastic Mood (24/7), Loud- Tiny Noise Point (Desert Sun), Chain Reaction- DMT Server (Loud Remix) (Psychic Chakra), Loud- Machines (The Ayahuaska Experience), Loud- Show Room (Irreversible 2), Loud- Grind (Top of the Hill), Loud- Go Go (Absolute Trancelucent), Sub6- Pounding (Loud remix) (Private Lesson), Psysex- Dominatrix (Loud vs. Goblin remix) (Private Lesson), Loud- Tiny Noize Point (live edit) (Private Lesson), Loud- The Edge (Private Lesson), Loud- Next (Private Lesson), Loud- Beautiful Day (dub mix) (Private Lesson), Loud- Betone (version 2005) (Soul Anatomy), Loud- Grind (rmx) (Sunrise), Loud- Warzone (Darklines).

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