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March 11 , 2025
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MFG - The Message

 ( Phonokol ,  Dec. 2000 )

1. Have a Nice Day 8:20 2. Wonderland 9:19 3. Brainwaves 9:03 4. Walking on Ice 7:17 5. Feel Like God (new version) 9:22 6. Rise & Fall 8:20 7. Welcome to the Edge 8:17 8. Dark Waters 9:06 9. The Message 9:26

Finally after a long long wait, the fourth MFG album is here- almost 80 minutes of MFG sounds, that combines styles from all their previous albums. What we get here is an album full of complex melodic tracks that sound quite different than other stuff released lately. The album definitely sounds much more professionally produced than their last one- Project Genesis.
The CD opens with Have A Nice Day, and right from the start you can feel something big coming. There's a sort of a breakbeat at the start, and the great melodies follow soon. Wonderland (T2) follows alternating from night to day and vice versa all along the track. The unavoidable "blue pill, red pill" Matrix sample is here as well, and gives a lot to the track. Next comes one of the best track on the CD- Brainwaves- a kind of a mixture of the previous tracks in feel, great atmosphere and great kick and drums. The melodies here bring tears to my eyes... in the end of it I cry of happiness. Walking on Ice (T4) is a bit more difficult one, more minimal. Feel Like God (T5) makes you feel like god- a real piece of art- right from the start you're surrounded with sounds, heavenly melodies, that doesn't leave my head, with a smashing ending line. I wish this track would go a bit more. Rise & Fall (T6) only rises and doesn't fall. It is exactly the track to follow Feel Like God, you can feel the old times here with the classic Goa baseline. Welcome to the Edge (T7) kicks right in with the simple (but amazing) baseline, with great kick and lions roaring in the background. It would have sound a bit recycled (sound-wise), but the great melody saves it. Dark Waters (T8) start with a ? sample followed by the baseline & kick, we get a good build up, but the track repeats itself a bit, and that's a shame. Ending the CD is The Message, a ? bpm track delivering the MFG message- the melodic work here is amazing! I reach the starts in the sky and touch god- close your eyes and let your imagination fly!

Recomendation:  MFG reached here the peak with the highest and most professional production and creativeness. They lowered the intensity yet there are more energies. This is different that most of what comes out these days and very enjoyable. Highly recommened!

Favorite tracks:3, 5, 7, 8.

Review by : Mike A.

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