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March 13 , 2025
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MFG - Project Genesis

 ( Phonokol ,  1998 )

1. Intro 0:40 2. Intelligent Machine 7:29 3. Project Genesis 7:33 4. Open Mind 8:08 5. Why? 8:11 6. Voices 8:25 7. Sunshine 7:46 8. On Mars 7:56 9. The Creation 7:40 10. Metamorphosis 9:28

MFG are Guy Zurkel and Ahron Segal they have been making music for quite some time now.
The third CD by this prodigious duo shows them entering new territories. The happy morning sound so heavily influenced by their mentors Astral Projection is substituted for a darker albeit not less melodic night sound.
The CD starts with a short intro (T1 40 sec) and then kicks right into the first and very powerful track, (No 2 on the CD), Intelligent machine. The track features an excellent sample (can anyone tell me where is it from?) based on Shakespeare “the merchant of Venice That talks about equality. It is a rather fast track with a nightly melody and, as can be heard throughout the entire CD, very heavy use of flanger efx. In my opinion this is one of the best tracks on the CD.

Project Genesis (T3) is working hard the sounds are heavily layered, generally they are good students of the Astral layering school and the CD can even be called maximalistic, the melody is still here even though it’s less obvious but the altogether feeling is still stress.

Open Mind (T4) starts up with some break beat but quickly finds the beat. In the whole CD you can say that M.F.G. don’t waste much time on fore play and the beat starts within about 30” nor do they spend time on after play, they end the tracks within 20” of the beat end. BUT you can say that the act itself is LONG 7 minutes at least. Open Mind is more of a night search track than what you’d think from its name but it’s still very powerful.

Why? (T5) Is one of the hits on this CD featuring a heavy low key TB sound that keeps oscillating on the high frequencies as in the entire CD the KICK is the Israeli “hoot” kick but not as up front as most other Israeli stuff, just as the teacher (astral) said, but there is a lot of snare drum to keep the beat prominent. In the middle the track does my favourite UP trick, key change to the 5th and back to the root, that makes for a very powerful up, and in between there are some very interesting sounds. The big question that this track asks (guess: what? No. Who? Wrong again. Maybe where?) Is WHY? And I think that the music answers this for itself.

Voices (T6) probably the least melodic track of the CD it concentrates more on the sounds and rhythm but not only of the drums but various cuts of the sounds as well. Not as uppy as Why or Intelligent Machine it’s still very punchy. It is very difficult to hear the connecting point between this track and the next one, Sunshine (T7); it’s definitely uppier and can constitute for what is the closest thing to morning on this CD. It ends abruptly and before you know it you’re On Mars (T8). With the kick coming more forward here and the up is more of a down since it’s accomplished by lowering the key instead of bringing it up, but hey it works.

The Creation (T9) is more bouncy flangery and is slower but still faster then Metamorphosis (T10) this is the “come down from up high” track slower put still with a stomp like a steam roller slow and heavy.

Recomendation:  If Astral Projection would have ever thought of doing night music this would be as close a guess as to how it would have sounded. Good production, powerful stomps, fuzzy bass lines, thumping “hoot” kicks and UP UP UP (but not nizchonot), this is one of the good examples of the new Israeli night sound (together with Infected Mushroom, Goblin and the newer Ofer).

Favorite tracks:2, 3, 4, 8, 9.

Review by : Kinetic Honda

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