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March 11 , 2025
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Israliens 4- Solaris

 ( HOMmega ,  Mar. 2003 )

1. Sub6 & Pixel- Teder Beseder 7:49 2. Astrix & Delirious- Day Dream 7:18 3. Cosma- Mixed Up 9:02 4. PsySex- Puzzle 6:28 5. Xerox & Illumination- Marley on Acid 6:57 6. Hujaboy- 27am 7:10 7. PsySex- Amphetamaniac (PsyCraft remix) 7:17 8. Infected Mushroom & Yahel- Electro Panic (Eat Static remix) 8:27 9. Violet Vision- Cellophane (trance mix) 6:08

The fourth in the Isralien series, a series that started a different sound, and peaked with the excellent Israliens 2, that brought just what the name suggested, Israeli trance tunes with a twist. Even Israliens 3, while not going much into alien soundscapes, still brought something different with diverse sounds and styles. Is this one continuing the series?
Well, it starts Isralien enough, Sub6 & Pixel, with dubby touches, strong atmosphere and trippy vocoder singing, definitely suck me to another dimension, very alien. Excellent track. Then suddenly the compilation turns into something more fit to another successful Hommega series, the Full On one. Astrix & Delirious with Day Dream. Everything is in the right place, everything is perfect for the dancefloor. But it moves me not, actually, it almost bores me. Next is Cosma’s Mixed Up (T3). An excellent full power stormer filled with dancefloor energy, massive atmosphere and tons of feel, as only Avihen could make. I can just feel something moving from within when I listen to this. A favorite, and with enough alieness in it as well. PsySex follow with a dense intense experience, real fast, concentrated, explosive and grabby. Favorite Psysex tune in a long time. Then Xerox & Illumination, in a second successful collaboration after the great In and Out from Frequency Drive. Massive grinding fullpower tune, with an overall dark atmosphere opening up in the second half- real Karahana (anyone remembers that word?), remind me of good old Xerox & Freeman days. Hujaboy next with a more jumpy and groovy 27am (T6), nice psychedelic morning tune. PsyCraft remix PsySex’s Amphetamaniac from Israliens 3 next. Doesn’t really do anything for me. Nice but not more. Another remix follows- Eat Static remixed Electro Panic (T8). Merv actually takes the track to the more psytrancey side of things, and less to the electroish realm, which I thought would have been more interesting. The remix is adding a more psychedelic feel, more atmosphere, lotsa little mind games, really good track, but not so much Electro Panic anymore. Ending the compilation are Violet Vision with Cellophane, which can be called Isralien again. Packed fast track, loaded with distorted vocals. Dark track. Very different and interesting finish.

Recomendation:  Good compilation, good tracks mostly, some killer ones as well. Not really an Israliens compilation, more of a full on one.
Favorites: 1, 3(!!), 4(!), 6, 8.

Favorite tracks:1, 3(!!), 4(!), 6, 8.

Review by : Shahar

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