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March 13 , 2025
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Infected Mushroom - Intelligate / Small Moves

 ( Shiva Space Technology ,  Jul. 1999 )


A. Intelligate 7:20 B. Small Moves 7:13

A first 12" from Infected Mushroom is not something to miss- two new fresh tracks never released before, carrying the spirit of The Gathering to new spheres.

Intelligate (Aside) starts with a sample of Jodie Foster in "Contact"- "This is a unique time in our history, in the history of any civilization, it's the moment of the acquisition of technology, that's the moment when contact becomes possible". There is another sample along the track that sounds just twisted and freaky followed by a creepy sampling of Duvdev's voice turning slowly into an integral part of the music. This is a great track with a great groove and a lot of jumpy energy. Again Infected Mushroom succeed in bringing us new refreshing sounds, always twisting and swirling around you and off course there is always the great melodic work- I love this track!!!
Small Moves (Bside) is a difficult one- weird "Hi, anybody out there?" & "small moves" samples, great beat games, really weird sounds, and the inevitable scratchy melody. A very heavy track with an optimistic melody, and very very groovy! A classic track for a Bside.

Recomendation:  GET IT! It's a must for every DJ, and I don't know if these tracks will ever be released anywhere else, so it's a must for every trancer!

Review by : Shahar

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