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March 13 , 2025
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Fearsome Engine - Fearsome EP

 ( Nano ,  Jul. 2009 )

1. New Horizon 144 bpm 7.26 2. Beyond Imagination (Album mix) 145 bpm 7.00

Fearsome Engine are Tristan and Laughing Buddha, two of the most well recognized veterans to rise up out of the UK. Here these well respected producers present us with a teaser of their upcoming album Biting Point in the form of this digitally released EP.
Nano have been on fire off late with some really great digital EPs: Chromatone's Wasabits and Burn in Noise and Dickster's (aka Circuit Breakers) with Brazinglish. So how does the Fearsome EP compares? Let's have a look.

New Horizon (T1) starts off on a very dreamy and epic note, with some very heavy pads followed by a no nonsense groovy percussion arrangement. The track evolves quickly and juxtaposes a number of mechanic sounds with little melodic touches. After two and a half minutes there is a full blown attack of a very distorted melody. It sounds like something from the past, or rather something lost and forgotten waking up and spreading some super serious vibes. Very reminiscent of what the guys at Glowing Flame records are up to, with their Goa inspired brand of forest morning music. As the track moves on, the Engine change their approach to a more stabby lead that just ties wonderfully together with this old school kaleidoscopic melody. This track comes back bubbling with psychedelia. All in all, it's very evident that these two masters have really pooled together their collective experience to come up with a very nice Goa influenced sound. Beyond Imagination (T2) starts off with computer/processor sounds which literally force its way through to the "Cosmic Forces beyond all comprehension!". Nice start, but the percussions sound a bit on the cheesey/generic side. I am keeping my fingers crossed at this stage and hope the Engine takes a turn for a better. Soon they stir up a twister of a lead which sounds a lot like Xerox and Illumination. The evolution here is much slower, and the elements are allowed to breathe and take their time. The break is fun and super short lived as the track comes storming back. I like the metallic leads, but I still can't shake off that bassline. All in all, this track tries to be more on the dancey side, and ends up sounding a bit generic to me. A so-so track in my opinion.

Recomendation:  This is a short EP meant to give you only a taste of "Biting Point", and I hope that the album follows more along the lines of New Horizon- a wonderful synergy taking the best of older Goa melodies and combining it with a crisp clear production. Beyond Imagination is a bit on the generic side for me, although I am certain that there will be a few if not many out there who will enjoy it. To conclude, seeing that its only two tracks long, this is a hit or miss EP. I'd recommend checking out their complete album to get the whole story. Other than that, go Nano! We want more digital EPs.

Review by : Squirm

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