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March 13 , 2025
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Entropy - Think Slow Move Fast

 ( Doof ,  May. 2009 )

1. The Messenger rmx 146bpm 7.19 2. Think slow move fast 145bpm 7.02 3. Bunker 145bpm 7.26 4. Love2Ride 146bpm 7.30 5. Ppp 146bpm 7.56 6. The Dudes 145bpm 7.02 7. Psy Park 146bpm 6.28 8. The missing lake 144bpm 7.58 9. Black 146bpm 7.11 10. Astalavista 145bpm 6.43

Entropy are Pitt and Omer from Israel. They have been regulars at Doof Records for many years now and here they present us with their 3rd studio album - Think Slow Move Fast. From the very get go you can hear how Entropy have stuck to their roots- heavy and very dynamic percussion, great rhythm and twisted distorted melodies with an ever present sense of humor. The album starts off on a slow note, with The Messenger rmx, but the title track Think Slow Move Fast definitely picks up the pace as well as the groove. Jungle beats topped off with some well placed acid leads and enough energy pumping about make this a sure favorite. With Bunker (T3) we are presented an interesting track with some very heavy metal guitar riffs and bucket loads of groove. The whole album goes forward in a similar manner, with tracks evoking humour like Psy Park (T7) to some serious business with Love2ride (T4), and to a more playful side with Astalavista (T10)- Entropy certainly deliver the goods. What makes this album so great in my opinion is that Entropy have refined their production even more, resulting in a noticeable clarity which you don’t always hear with such music. As a DJ tool this album might be limited since all the tracks are around 144 - 146bpm, but having had my headphones turned up for the passed few days I can say this- if a DJ were to drop any of these tunes he/she would definitely get the desired reaction.

Recomendation:  Any fans of loud jumpy music with groove and a demented fun filled attitude should definitely check this album out. A worthy follow up to their last album Purple People, Entropy definitely hit gold with Think Slow Move Fast.

Favorite tracks:2, 3, 6, 8 and 10.

Review by : Squirm

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