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March 13 , 2025
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Entropy - Purple People

 ( Doof ,  Jul. 2006 )

1. Middle End 2. Super duper 3. Sample this 4. Purple people 5. Greenwood 6. Who wants cracker 7. Trick or trip 8. Cats fight 9. Tranceformer 10. Grab

Entropy is a project by Omer and Pitt, two Israeli guys that earn a lot of respect when their debut album "The Second Law of Thermodynamics" was released. They are very active and also released irreverent tracks on many compilations like the "The Messenger", which contains one of my favorite samples.
The album was released by Doof Records, a label that some times disappoints me, but some things I must say about them: they keep their line, their releases are original and there are absolutely no cheese in their records, which is enough the keep me tuned on their stuff. The cover is basically a collection of blotter art, assembled with good esthetics.
The music here is totally dark, but unlike many dark psytrance releases it has a very listenable quality level and personality. Except for the last track, the whole album was made in 145 and 146 BPMs, which in my opinion makes it more versatile in the hands of a good DJ. What we have here is joyful night music, the kind that keeps you dancing without scaring all the girls out. They did an impressive bass work, the album have around a hundred different bass lines, and it's not just a bunch of bass lines together, this stuff makes sense. The tracks are on the same style, and each of them has its own trip inside, meaning they match nicely each other, perhaps because most of them were written in A major and A minor. Through all the album different acid synth layers melt into nice effects and these effects dissolve back into acid layers, or is it the other way around? Another important feature of this release is that it does not stick to formulas of recipes, there is a lot of experimentalism going on here, and this gives that extra fresh aspect to the music.

Recomendation:  With Purple People Entropy delivers over 72 minutes of energetic music, which is confirmed not only by its overall quality and feeling, but also by its impact on the dance floor. All night music enthusiasts should check it, especially DJs who are looking for effective music to boost their sets. It would be a mistake not to check this refreshing release.
Favorites: 4, 5, 6, 9.

Review by : full_on.

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