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March 13 , 2025
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Eddie Mis - Rabbit Dream

 ( Acix ,  Mar. 2010 )

1. Rabbit Dream 7:21 2. Tell Me a Story 7:14 3. Some Romance 5:19 4. Magic Everywhere 9:17 5. City in the Sky 7:29 6. Who's Tripping 6:03 7. On Plastic 5:52 8. Just Burn 7:25 9. Funk Channel 7:56 10. Space & Time 5:59 11. Energy Fields 5:55

I first heard of Eddie Mis’ music when I started to listen to Israeli trance back in the very early 2000’s. The tracks that I got the opportunity to get to know and love, where the oh-so-famous ‘The X-File’, which today stands as one of the biggest classics out there with plenty of releases (no wonder it stands as a huge classic with so many releases on various compilations through the years) and vivid remixes by acts like Jon the Dentist, Quirk, Xerox & Illumination and others. Also the classic ‘Liquid Troll’ by Chakra stands out as a good example of trippy flavored and liquid feared piece of psychedelic trance music for the fantasy to dive. Both of these tracks originated from his and Chakra’s jointed debut album- The Promised Land- from 96. After nearly a decade away from the limelight, with occasional appearance here and there (Funtech's Playnice album in 2000, f.e.), 2010 finally bring an Eddie Mis new album release, and this time all on his own. Gone are the frantic and mad vibes from earlier psytrance works, and in steps the progressive acid house relaxation groove with a smooth dose of psychedelics. For those who expect to encounter killer trance related beats full-on-style should take a step back, because this album consists of 11 intelligent, mature and experimental tracks with patience for the absurd, love for the detail and passion for the slow feelgood tempo. Those who want to experience the experimental view of psychedelic house induced music with weird fields of play and stunning planes of grass, should give themselves the gift of purchasing this trippalicious album released by Eddie's own Acix Recordings (based in The US - SF, California), because it is for sure a gem worth taking the time to get to know and adore.
The cover design by Laura (www.lauraworks.com) is as lovely and flavored as the music inside. The 60s vibe is floating nicely with the dream filled rabbits jumping along the wavy colour paths of liquid streams. The production seems flawless with deep basses, nice clear kicks and ticks to tingle your chakras and with enough smart melodies to chill you out, groove you down and smoke you up. I know that I am very grateful for owning this special piece of art, I doubt it will become a well known classic but I will do my bit to make sure people out there knows about its existence. Music like this deserves attention, even if it isn’t fast phased action packed music for the dimwitted ones. So go check out the samples, feel the experimental vibe and dream the feel of floating with 11 rabbits (read tracks) and more then so colours (read details).

Recomendation:  Highly recommended for keen acid ears and patient party souls!!!

Review by : Psytones

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