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Dark Love

 ( Triplag ,  Nov. 2007 )

01 – Aku Aku – The Meditation - 8:02 (150 BPM) 02 – Yara – In Wating - 7:02 (153 BPM) 03 – Noized – Walking On Corpse – 5:46 (153 BPM) 04 – Somarobotics – Constitutional Rape – 7:04 (152 BPM) 05 – DarkOhm – Steeler - 7:46 (155 BPM) 06 – Zerohour – Brain Mutation (Dark Love rmx) – 3:40 (150 BPM) 07 – Paranoize – First Sx – 7:07 (148 BPM) 08 – Gain Redution – Black Mamba – 8:41 (155 BPM) 09 – Far East Ghost vs Killer Mind – Japanese Industrial Standart – 7:17 (159 BPM) 10 – Oxidelic – Speed Limit – 8:16 (160 BPM) 11 – Zero-Blade – Silicon Sound – 8:54 (157 BPM)

Dark Love is the second release from of Triplag Records. In the words of the compiler, Fungus Ok, this CD can be compared to the universe; at night you look into the sky and you see some stars and the moon, but if you look again, but this time through a telescope, you will see much more detail and much more “magic”, and this metaphor can be applied into this CD, because of it’s mastering: the way it was made it was to give a more deep inside feeling, a more introspective listen, with the all the sounds being more “contained”, but all is there even if not hear them at the first time.
But let us have an inside through the music:
The first track, The Meditation (T1) is produced by Aku Aku an Israeli producer, and if I am not mistaken, this is his debut on official releases. This tune begins and it reflects what the CD is about: introspective music. Not to much sounds, a little bit minimalist, so to say, but with some interesting sponge leads in the first part and middle of the track; more to the end of it, the tune gets more dynamism and we can hear some chain saw electrifying leads.
Yara, with In Waiting (T2), brings a tune with some spooky melodies - and I really mean it. The spooky melodies accompany all the work on the leads; plus we have a crazy build up starting at 4:00 and only ending 5:00. This build up will fast your heart beat. Expect from this track fright vibes.
Walking On Corpse is the track produced by Noized, the tune starts with a very strong kick and bass, with a small number of sounds, but some of them remind it’s predecessor - spooky and tenebrous sounds that give a creepy vibe. Basically this tune revolves around this type of sonorities.
Now, Somarobotics, bring Constitutional Rape. It is set in motion with some male samples, and to my ears they seem a protest speech. It begins and we are suddenly transported to some nice leads, nothing to fancy, but rather smooth. At 2:00 minutes the music gets more vigorous and we are introduced to more sounds, and then begin a very interesting lead, which turns out to be very appellative to my ears. After this, the tune chills a little bit, but it keeps the mood of introspective sounds. More to the end, the music changes its disposition, and some twisted sounds appear escorted with some ups and downs resonances. It is finalized with the same male speaking.
DarkOhm brings Steeler (T5), and in my opinion, it’s the most introspective, ego crusher track of the whole compilation. The sonorities used are just for interior trip, and wandering lost on dance floor. We get lots of ambiguous and vague sounds giving the sensation of no connection with reality.
An only 3:40 minute is the exact time of the next tune: Zerohour with Brain Mutation (T6). The tune starts with some pleasant sounds and trippy leads, which craft a nice environment, but at 1:48 minutes, enter a sound that for me isn’t so appealing, that I feel that isn’t very well “inserted” into the track, and somehow cut the vibe of it. More to the end there are some works on kick and bass and it ends with some soft sounds of a child singing.
Now comes first sx (T7) from Paranoize. This is the slowest work presented on this compilation. But being the slowest doesn’t mean it isn’t charming – in fact this is my favourite tune of this compilation. I have heard the last album of Paranoize – In The Lab - and I have liked the evolution and innovation his music has suffered. This one has some awesome leads, and the works on the percussive elements are from really nice taste. This music speeds up when it has to speed up, but it also calms down when the calm is necessary. The sounds coming out of this baby just blew me away. Favourite.
Black Mamba (T8), whom I believe is a very dangerous deadly snake, gives name to this track made by Gain Reduction. This tune starts in a very introspective way, but quickly it comes to the “outside”, with an exciting, twisted lead. This track isn’t much filled with sounds, but the ones it has, are worked in a likeable way – it has some leads that are really acid! There are some changes on the notes of the bass line that are also worth have a listen.
Far East Ghost vs. Killer Mind brings Japanese Industrial Standart (T9). Far East Ghost makes another contribution to Triplag Records, since he already had a track on the Keep The Faith compilation. From the moment this tune begins we understand we are into Japanese madness - the beginning of this track - I bet it puts everybody in alert on a dance floor. It has an interesting lead almost in the beginning of the track very groovy that creates a nice atmosphere. More to the middle of the track, although the background made by kick and bass are really fast, there are some smooth sounds, that make you forget the background and concentrate on the softness the sounds create. After this we can hear some industrial sounds, and then the same smooth sound appear till the end of the tune. Interesting track.
Oxidelic, with Speed Limit (T10), brings the fastest track on this compilation with a BPM of 160. From sometime now, I have heard works of Oxidelic, and one thing I have always noticed, is that he has a very peculiar style, really unique. In this music is very twisted, full of demented sounds, and lots of variations; you can never expect which direction this music will take.
And now we are in the last track – Silicon sound (T11), and this one is a remix, made by Zero Blade, to a known music of Black Eye Peas. Well what to say about it? Well it is fun artists use some humour on their tracks, but I don’t think this one is aimed to the dance floor, but you’ll never know, there is always DJ´s who may want to spice a little bit their set. One think that really is noticed is a power full bass on this one. This track is really weird.
The Mastering of the CD was made by Tim Schuldt and the artwork by Delian Oxidelic.

Recomendation:  I just want to say that this compilation is aimed to the listeners who search for a little bit for introspective music. Like I said in the beginning of the review, the way the compilation was mastered, the main purpose I believe it is that one and so it may not be appellative in the first listens, but slowly you can change your opinion.

Review by : a3k

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