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Keep the Faith

 ( Triplag ,  Sep. 2007 )

01 – Fungus Funk – Let's Rock - 8:02 (145 bpm) 02 – Hishirio vs Gidra – Sick People - 6:56 (150 bpm) 03 – Olien – Infinitek – 6:35 (152 bpm) 04 – Zerohour – Progression To Aggression – 5:45 (152 bpm) 05 – Witch – Aliens Don't Smoke - 7:18 (150 bpm) 06 – Far East Ghost – Model 19 – 6:39 (152 bpm) 07 – C.P.C. – Save Your Souls – 8:06 (152 bpm) 08 – TAS – Cubes – 7:34 (154 bpm) 09 - Neo Vox – The Arsonist – 7:57 (153 bpm) 10 – Sectio Aurea – Snake Club – 9:14 (156 bpm)

Keep The Faith is the 1st physical release of Triplag Records. Triplag is a label that usually releases on-line music, mainly EP´s that give the opportunity to new and fresh artists show their works, with official releases. This CD was compiled by FungusOk, and it is mainly music for the night, and in the words of its compiler, in which he refers that“…prefers dark, comfortable enclosures. Needs hard beats to stay alive and grow.” And this CD is exactly what he searches in psychedelic trance music.
This compilation bpms ranges from 145, to 156; some tracks are more orientated to the deep hours of the night, others a little bit more for the warm up.
Now let’s go to the vortexes of this CD.
Let’s Rock! (T1) is produced by Fungus Funk, a veteran in the scene. If you are connoisseur of other works of Serguei Prilepa, you will find his usual style in this track. This is the slowest track of the compilation with 145 bpm, it has some interesting build ups, with a bit of grove ness, nothing very twisted or with hard leads. Not being a huge hit track I’m sure it will work on the dance floor. The only thing I really don’t like is the voice samples that appear almost in the end of the track saying “Let’s Rock!” That isn’t my cup of tea. In my humble opinion, I was waiting for another kind of “explosion” in this track after the build up that anticipates the sample, because the track develops in an interesting way, but I feel it lacks some different ending.
“Sick People” (T2) is the work of Hishiryo and Gidra; Hishiryo - Cyril Shenz - is from France and Gidra - Thomas Aquino - from India. This is music to keep all your senses in alert; in this one we get some fast and twisted parts, others calmer. Some pleasant sounds here and there, mixed with some guitar riffs. This “fusion” will twist your brain. This track, at least for me, didn’t leave me indifferent; it caught my attention in a very nice way! Great track!
Olien from Germany, present us with Infinitek (T3). This music comes with a fat bass line combined with a powerful kick, aggressive acidic lines, and industrial sounds in it, that create a spooky environment throughout the track. This one will can cause confusion and, in my point of view, it should be played at the high hours of the night, when the trip is “far above the ground”; this is intense and strong music.
Georgi Yuriev Dunkov, which is the same thing has to say Zerohour, brings “Progression to Aggressive” (T4). This music is a little bit brighter than the previous 2 tracks. The track really has a lot of energy and vitality; it has a lot of changes in the bass line and kicks; it seems the track has a sense of humour very unique, sometimes it seems that it is very quiet and suddenly it has a complete change of mood - even the leads in the beginning of the track are somehow for the night, and after the middle of it, it changes to more melodic twilight sounds. I’m not sure, but it seems this is the debut of this artist – Zerohour – and it is a nice debut. I just hope he keeps the good standards he presented in this music, but that only time will tell.
Witch from Germany, whom I also believe, makes is musical debut with “Aliens Don’t Smoke” (T5). I had already heard some tracks by Koba Jukubascas (Witch) on Isratrance, and I somehow followed his musical “evolution”, which was already going in a good direction and he surprised me even more for the positive side. This is banging music for the dance floor, this is the type of music that gets on my nerves and makes me want to dance. The leads are from a great taste, and this one never gets boring because Koba’s variety of sounds - the development of the variations and oscillations of this track are very pleasant. 7:18 minutes of pure pleasure to me! Favourite no doubt!
Now from Japan, the country of the rising sun we have Far East Ghost with Model 19 (T6). I dig very much the initial parts of this track; he was able to create an interesting “spell” in the first 2/3 minutes of this production. Later on we have some mad guitar riffs that will surely put the trance floor on fire – mixed together with some crazy leads.
Vladislav C.P.C. comes with Save your Souls (T7). Vlad from some time till now has grown a lot since the release of Uber Dan Angst, his first album, releasing huge tracks for the dance floor, either by being really twisted or by being more emotional, like the case of the track “Zolods Requiem” from his second album “Double Bobble” released on Manic Dragons Records. This track has the two aspects that I really like in his works, the emotional side, with smooth melodies, and the danceable side, with the rhythmic elements combined in a fine way. This track has 3 distinct moments, the first part that is from the beginning of the track till about 3 minutes, that is the creation of the environment, the preparation; after this the “hammer falls” and we get the more dynamic part of the track, with lots of psychedelic sounds and great enthusiasm with the percussive elements; then after this we have the slowing down of the track, that is very similar with the first part. I really like the work Vlad has been doing lately on music, combining the twisted and psychedelic sounds of trance, with a brighter, melodic part of it, giving room to have lots of emotions in hearing trance music. Favourite no doubt!
Cubes (T8) is the work of TAS, and this production is aimed into deep corridors of the mind, this is very different from the previous track; has soon has the kick and bass start in we realize we are exploring other boundaries of psychedelic realms. Intense acid leads combined with that potent kick/bass line, make this one a hard trip. You better put your seat belt.
Leaving Swedish music of TAS, we move into a warmer country: Brazil - but musically speaking, we continue in hard psychedelic music. The Arsonist (T9) is the work by Neo Vox that is the project of Felipe Gomes Pereira. Once again we have the use of some guitar sounds (I believe this is the 3rd track in this compilation that uses them), with some insane melodies in the background. Some abnormal leads, which are similar to the sound of bubbles coming out from the water; and several sharp acid sounds total it. We can also hear some distorted kicks which are nice so we don’t get the same kick during the music. Variation is very nice.
And now from Switzerland Section Aurea deliver the last track of this compilation - Snake Club (T10). This is the fastest music of the compilation with a bpm of 156. Although this is the fastest track in here, it isn’t the fuller in terms of sounds, but this doesn’t mean it isn’t one of the more trippy tracks in this compilation. It is kind of minimalist in terms of sounds, but the ones used are a catacomb of chaos uplifting your senses. This track is intense and very hypnotic.

Recomendation:  So to conclude my review, I want to say that this first physical debut of Triplag Records has some nice and interesting tracks that surely have already hit the dance floors around the world. This compilation is mainly night music, and a good thing is that it has a variety of music for different time tables of the night. Eagerly waiting to hear the next VA of Triplag that is already on the forge.

Favorite tracks:5, 7

Review by : a3k

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