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March 13 , 2025
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Damage - Bad Creationz

 ( MMD ,  Jan. 2009 )

1. Intro 105bpm 2:02 2. Crowd Fucking Rocka 146bpm 5:58 3. Crank 145bpm 8:44 4. No Mercy 146bpm 6:16 5. City Slicka 145bpm 7:13 6. Not Responcible 146bpm 5:30 7. Bad Creation 148bpm 5:40 8. Da Killa rmx 146bpm 7:40 9. Keep Rocking 145bpm 7:41 10. Rock Rocking'em 137bpm 6:52 11. Outro 87bpm 2:56

Damage is back with his second album. His first album Gold Help Us came out on Chemical Crew Records and to be honest, I didn’t find it to be all that great. This one, however, is a whole different ballgame. What we have here is one of the wildest albums out there at the moment. It’s all about bad-ass, which shows in the titles and even reflects in the cool artwork. The style of Damage is easily characterized. Think along the lines of Shift, Slug, Absolum and you’re there. The only thing that you should add to the mix is lots of old school rap and hardcore samples. Damage plays along with this and kicks the bassline up. This music is busy like somebody with ADHD on XTC. The album doesn’t release you until it’s over halfway through, when finally there is a resting point with some padsounds and atmospherics. After that it’s back to banging. There is not much variation here in that aspect, but hey, if it’s done in the right way, who’s complaining? This album is all about the rocking sound and in that way it succeeds tremendously. As I said, most tracks have a dark edge to them, but they’re still all very party oriented. This makes this album an excellent DJ tool. The tracks can be played separately, but there is so little pause between them that it all starts to sound like a one whole. You can feel Bad Creationz wants to be dark and kicking, and that is exactly what it is. It all breathes out that atmosphere. With titles like Crowd Fucking Rocka, Crank, Da Killa, etc., you know what you can expect. The artwork depicts a close up of an eye, dark smoke with equipment inside. The backside has these dark fractal-like things, and the front depicts Damage himself like the figure from the movie The Ring, playing synths. This becomes even clearer in the booklet itself where he’s supposedly being put on camera in some cellar and the camera breaks up, just like in those Japanese ghost movies. All in all, it’s a great package.

Recomendation:  And there it is, if you like it hard and kicking and really uncompromising this is the CD to get. I found no downers on this and the whole thing is solid all through its 66 minutes. One of the best dark albums of 2009 so far in my opinion.

Review by : Acidhive

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