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March 11 , 2025
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The label Chemical Crew was established in 2003 by Asher Swisa, Asaf Bivass (aka SKAZI) and Igal Biton as a subsidiary of B.S.B MEDIA.

Chemical crew is specializes in hardcore dance floor electronic music.

The label has already signed up the following artists: Skazi, Void, Rocky, Paranoramal Attack, Tube and Star-X.

Koifman 2 Tel Aviv 68012
972-3-5100428 972-52-5478880
Website: http://www.chemical-crew.tv
E-Mail: info@chemical-crew.tv
Mafia ( Chemical Crew , Dec 2004 )
1. Psycho Killer 145bpm 7:55
2. World Destruction 145bpm 6:00
3. The Violent Years 145bpm 6:08
4. Pacemaker 145bpm 7:19
5. Luck of the Irish 145bpm 6:21
6. Greedy 146bpm 8:06
7. Wasteland Operation 145bpm 8:04
8. Sleeping with the Enemy 145bpm 6:24
9. Gummi 145bpm 7:21
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Void  -  Punishment ( Chemical Crew , Jul 2004 )
1. Punishment 145bpm 7:31
2. The Masterblaster 145bpm 7:15
3. Machine 145bpm 8:33
4. In My Dream 145bpm 8:20
5. Hysterical 145bpm 7:03
6. Energize 145bpm 8:03
7. Hot Stuff 145bpm 7:49
8. True Love 145bpm 8:22
9. Time Tunnel 145bpm 7:26
10. Dance Electric 130bpm 5:17
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Zoo 3 ( Chemical Crew , May 2004 )
1. Infected Mushroom- I Wish (brutal remix by Skazi) 145bpm 8:00
2. Exaile- One of the Tribe 145bpm 8:20
3. Skazi vs. Ami- Never Again 145bpm 6:43
4. Void- Dirty Mind 145bpm 8:30
5. Skazi- Acelere 145bpm 8:23
6. Tube- Weird 145bpm 8:44
7. Paranormal Attack- Yakuza 144bpm 8:19
8. Psychotic Micro- Frankenstein 146bpm 7:10
9. Dino Psaras- Thats it 144bpm 8:23
10. Maserdamus- Chemical Crew video clip

1. Void- No Disco 7:43 145bpm
2. Skazi vs. 40%- Smell Like Humos Spirit 145bpm 8:09
3. Skazi vs. Paranormal Attack- The Bitts 145bpm 7:10
4. Exaile- Hide and Seek 145bpm 6:53
5. Benny Benassi- Satisfaction (brutal remix by Skazi) 145bpm 6:53
6. Skazi vs. Ilabelle- Ravolution 145bpm 8:16
7. Psychaos- The Only (Fucking) Way 145bpm 8:15
8. Talamasca vs. Schyzotrop- Action!!! 7:51
9. Masterdamus- Skazi video clip
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