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March 11 , 2025
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California Sunshine - Wonderland

 ( Phonokol ,  Oct. 2000 )

CD1 1. Dejavu 9:35 2. Lunatic 7:49 3. Bhadones 8:00 4. Vertigo 8:12 5. The Deeper the Bluer (remix) 7:31 6. Wonderland 7. The Future Now 7:19 8. Summer 89 (remix) 6:41 9. Futuro 8:03 CD2 (mixed by DJ Miko) 1. Rain 8:27 2. Jajo 7:13 3. Summer 89 10:59 4. Black Moon 10:05 5. Imperia (rmx) 10:43 6. Alala 8:30 7. Avalanche 7:34 8. Coming Home 8:08

A new album for the legendary duo, Miko & Har-El, some new tracks, some remixes to classical tracks, and also attached a bonus mixed CD by Miko with best of and some stuff that was scattered on different compilations. I'm still searching for the deserved sequel to Nasha.

The first CD opens with flying oriental guitars and typical driving California Sunshine (CS) bass and kick. The guitar, played by Dror Orgad, takes a major part in this track, the groovy note-bending, melting with the kick and bass, heavy metal lines, and little atmospheric oriental melodies. The heavy metal lines finally lead to the full driving CS tribal beat. I like it. Lunatic (T2) follows with acidic atmosphere right from the start, then it's games time, sounds running back and forth, up and down and all around you, playing on huge carpets of sound, wind blowing, voices upon the face of the deep. The waves of sound go up and down, always striving forward, with unexpected ripples going sideways. Some very old Har-el sounds are here and they bring good memories. Nice atmospheric track. Bhadones (T3) is the track that is worth this CD- The first two and a half minutes' intro reveals nothing and then it hits you. This is a real nutty one. Music that reminds me of old acid-techno that I remember fondly from long ago. Real psychotic music, coming not from the bass and kick, but from the highs, not evil madness, just pure madness!!! Huge carpets of sound, the amazing Har-el atmosphere, very tribal, full on psychotic karahana!!! This can cause real morning chaos in the really big parties. Vertigo (T4) is not really going anywhere apart from leading to the next track, a remix of Ofer (Oforia) and Miko to a track they did for Dance 50- The Independence Trance Revival (Phonokol), which is based on a song by the first (and maybe the best) real Rock'n'Roll band in Israel- Tamuz. I can't judge this track without relating to the source, and I love the interpretation, and it's better than the first one. The problem is that it is completely out of place here, sound-wise and atmosphere-wise and should have been left to the second mix CD. Wonderland (T6) is a remix of Har-el's classic track that was released in 95 on a 12" in Nephilim, and also on the classic Outside the Reactor CD from BRR. This is travel in time for me and I can't make unbiased judgment here, I love it. The Future Now (T7) starts a trio of tracks trying to aim at club music, I guess. I dunno, for me it's nice chill out music… The Summer 89 remix done with (or by?) Passenger is a mystery, it's does not really give a new interpretation and the original does what it does much better, anyway it should have been placed along with The Deeper The Bluer on the second CD. Futoro ends the first CD, a relaxed clubby track, very light in atmosphere and smooth, as I said nice chillin' outro.

The second CD is labeled as a mixed CD by DJ Miko, a more accurate description would be a collection of greatest hits with two other tracks previously released only on compilations. You can find here the CS remix to Boris Blenn's Rain & Jajo from Nasha, Summer 89 & Alala from Trance, Avalanch from Imperia, Coming Home from Flying Eye Land, and the two bonuses: the remix to Killing Joke's Black Moon (from War- the Killing Joke remixes out on Dragonfly) and Imperia remix (from Dance 50- The Independence Trance Revival). Black Moon is an amazing track and it's good it is exposed again, if you don't have, this is a good opportunity.

Recomendation:  For fans and people who are not yet familiar with CS this is a good buy of a double CD at the price of one. It's a good collection of tracks and it's very enjoyable. The problem I have is with what's not here- it's not another Nasha, and it had the potential to be, judging from the first trio on CD1- dear sunshines, please sit down properly, don't rush it, don't patch things and give us a Nasha sequel.

Favorite tracks:CD1- 1, 2, 3(!), 5, 6. CD2- 1, 2, 3, 4(!), 8.

Review by : Shahar

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