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March 11 , 2025
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 ::  Adrenalindrum ::  Brainflower/Brainflowers ::  Carribian Sunrise ::  MG - 3 ::  New Bit Generation ::  Unnatu ::  Virtual Obsession

Har-el Prusski started dealing with electronic music when he was 16. He studied in the "Sound" school in Tel Aviv, Midi & electronic Music programming, and got a job right away as a sound technician in a studio. But since, as he puts it, he didn't like making coffee to people, he quit right away and started building up his own studio.

First he started working with Daniel Beller- as the legendary Israeli duo- Testkard 225- making electro-industrial music. Their first performance was in the Beer Sheva University in the Negev Festival (which stunned some people there) and then they played in all the Tel-Aviv underground clubs: Penguin, Zman Amiti, Hagada Hasmalit etc. They released two tapes: Test 1 & Test 2. At that time Har-el listened to music such as Cabaret Voltaire, Krafwerk, Yellow and Depeche Mode.

Harel started producing his own Acid-Trance music in 1991, being one of the first to combine psychedelic industrial sounds together with acid new beat. In 91-92 he released in limited edition on cassettes or DATs the first trance tapes: Neural Terror, Into the Black Sun, Astral Trance, Transonic Mix Demo, Boom the House, Virtualism, MG3- Demo 3.

He created the Goa Psychedelic underground famous track Wonderland along with 3 other tracks that were played a lot in Goa and Ko Phan Gan full moon outdoor parties in 1992-93.

His first techno 12" release was Morning Glory, which created the new wave of trance and was a massive hit in Israel. It was also released in Germany in mid '93 as a 12" on the legendary techno label Labworks.

By the end of '93 some of Har-el's underground trance was released by Dinko Bazadona (a Croatian DJ at Dancing Bear Records in Zagreb). The 12" Maxi was sold in the underground DJ scene and was distributed by N.E.W.S. in Belgium.
In the beginning of '94 Har-el had produced the very successful Trust In Trance first album release that contained also some tracks involving himself: Unnatu- Purification, Carribian Sunrise- From the beginning (with Guy Sebbag), Virtual Obsession- Before Dawn (with Raffi Mizrahi), Dazzle Puzzle- Discourse, Dog Star (with Yaniv Haviv, Guy Sebbag & Avi Nissim). He also released two other CDs that where basically a cooperation he produced with other artists. The first was Trans Nova Express together with Edi Mis. This CD came out on Har-el's Unnatural Operations label together with Phonokol and contained tracks of Har-el alone and also with Edi as MG-3 and with Edi and Schahaf Schwartzman as Adrenalin Drum. In the same year B.M.I. (today's Melodia) also released Trance Mix 3, which was again a project of Har-El & Edi Mis. Har-El had there 4 tracks (including his classic Circle of Light) another track with Yaniv Haviv and did also remixes to three other of Yaniv's tracks. These CDs were considered a milestone in the Israeli trance scene promoting the export of that scene to the rest of the world during that year. Har-el also started DJing with the most famous Israeli trance DJs on Vinyl and DAT (mostly playing his own stuff) in Israel, Europe and The US.

In 1995 Nephilim of Germany released two Har-el CDs: Pagan Moon Child and New Pagan World that were distributed by EFA. Nephilim also released two 12"s of Har-El (Wonderland, The Scanner).He also released as Adrenalin Drum in Spirit Zone, The Israel EP.

In 1997 Har-El released on his Unnatural Recordings an Adrenalinn Drum CD- X-Perimental Goa, cooperating on 3 tracks with Schahaf Schwartzman. Three of the tracks there were re-released later on Goa-Tel-Aviv compilation.

During all that time famous Israeli trance DJ Miko, used to take a lot of Har-el's tracks and play them in Goa and Ko Phan Gan. The guys decided to work together and Formed California Sunshine. They released five CDs and numerous tracks on compilations.

In 2000 he released another 12"- Virus- with Dardasman in Nephilim. A second Adrenalinn Drum CD- Engine- was released in February 2002 in the Italian label, Out of Orion. On this Project Har-el worked with Gabi Harari and it also features cooperations with Domi, Jorg & Wizzy Noise.

Har-el has also released A LOT of tracks alone under several names and cooperating with others on numerous other compilations around the world, among them: Adrenalin Drum- Desert Sun & New E-volution (Sound of Goa Trance), Doctor Acid & The Brain Flowers- Sepuko (with Holly Shwartz, Sound of Goa Trance III), Har El- Wonderland (Outside the Reactor), Adrenalin Drum- Hard er Dreams & Brainflowers- Goaliens (Destination Israel), MG-3 - Morning Glory (with Edi Mis and Nati Mishali, Trance Mixim), Har-el Prussky/Yan-iv Haviv -Something wrong in dreaming & Har-El Prussky- Circle of Light (Trance Mixim), Adrenalinndrum- Desert Fly, God Mountain & Behind the Hills (Goa-Tel-Aviv), Adrenalinndrum- God Mountain & Brainflowers- Goaliens (Destination Goa 4), Adrenalin Drum- Harddome 140 & The Hypnotiser (Global Psychedelic Trance 1), Har-El- Towers of Babylon (Goa Spirit), Har-ell- Wild Hunt (Spiritual Trance), Adrenalin Drum- E-Dsopkia (Club Mix) (Spiritual Trance vol. 2), Har-El- New Life (Destination Goa 6), Adrenalindrum- Heartbeat (Trance Mix 8), New Bit Generation- Turn On, Log In , Boot Out (with DJ Miko & Dado, Analogique), Unnatural Oforia- White Holes (with Ofer Dikovski, Dance 50- The Independence Trance Revival), Har-El P.- Running Horses (morning Mix) (Israeli Psychedelic Trance vol. III), Nada & Har-el- Cyber Rock Circus (Psychedelic Krembo 4), Resistance is Futile & Burning Light (with Yakov Biton, Spiral Active Project), Har-El- Rainy Day & Interzone2000 (Arsim On Acid), The Godfather- The Godfather (with Nir Dardasman, Filterd Reality), BSF- Elemental 7 (with Nir Dardasman, Destination Goa 9),Har-Ell and Dardasman- Virus 2000 (Technobotanic Tryptamines 2), Dogma 3000 feat. Har Ell Prusky- Oblivion (Dogma 3000), Wizzy Noise & Har-El- Wizzy God (Parabola),SH- Paradise 2 (with Sharon Jackobson, Erectional Thoughts).

Har-el also took part in other electronic music projects and released: Hause Visit (with Eyal Goldstein, Geemel- Dub Concept), and as Strawberry released The Warrior Beat (together with DJ Moran Shnitzer), which is based on the Zulu war chant "Hoza Hoza!" (Cheese/Cosmophilia), and the C-Life 12" (Cheese/Cosmophilia). C-life- C-Life was also released on 6th Element Open Air (Raniv/Hadshot Haheizar).


Tel. 972-3-5165304 Fax 972-3-5165317

Web: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Arena/1813

Email: prusky@netvision.net.il

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