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March 14 , 2025
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BPM FM- Trance on Air

 ( HOMmega ,  Feb. 2005 )

1. Intro 0:20 2. Astrix feat. Michele Adamson- Closer to Heaven 144bpm 7:18 3. Violet Vision- Cellophane (Sub6 & Domestic remix) 147bpm 8:26 4. X Noize- Breaking the Toys 144bpm 5:38 5. Astrix- Coolio (Infected Mushroome remix) 144bpm 8:04 6. Chakra vs. Xerox & Illumination- 7 Days 143bpm 6:23 7. Black & White- Spiral 145bpm 8:36 8. Dali- Colors Band 143bpm 6:38 9. PsyCraft feat. DJ Guy Salama- Alegria 145bpm 6:37 10. Delirious- Dynamic Force remix 145bpm 7:40 11. Xerox & Illumination- Fly 143bpm 7:37 12. Psysex feat. Michelle Adamson- Your Place or Mine 135bpm 4:45

This CD was compiled by DJ Guy Salama, a well known DJ in Israel, where he has a radio show named the same name as this compilation. This is a second collaboration between Guy & Hommega, the previous one was B Trance. Like most Hommega releases, this CD comes with a useful sleeve with the bpms of the tracks. The mastering was done by Space Cat.

Our journey begins with a short radio intro, interference noises and some samples from well known songs, which I didn't like, but I was glad to forget it when I saw that this release has a total time of over 78 minutes, something rare this days. Michele's beautiful voice touched my heart in the beginning of the first real track here, a dance floor directed collaboration with Astrix. It's not my style, especially Astrix's vocals, but fits well in this album. Suddenly I'm hit by really fast and joyful track, I recognize the samples- it's Cellophane from Violet Vision, remixed here by Sub6 & Domestic. Full of emotions, I'm smiling and shaking my head in the break beat part at the middle of the track. Next track by X-Noise is intense full on, the break can make a 737 Boing take off, well placed before the already released Infected Mushroom remix to Coolio, which can make a Transatlantic take off! This overplayed song makes me jump! What we have next? Uhmm, a track with lower bpm and over-used samples, but I can't stop dancing, well placed sound layers, Hommega style, another dance floor stormer. 7 Days by Chakra, Xerox and Illumination, that's the name of the best track up to now, and I'm a happy guy who owns this pearl! I take a deep breath and start to hear the next track... In spite of the higher bpms we have a little more groove here, nice synths and samples in the break, Spiral by Black & White is good track to be played afternoon, I keep dancing. Dali arrives with a strong dose of energy, but everything is ruined for me by the lyrics and the guitars. I stop dancing, drink a glass of water and press play on the next track... Immediately I recognize the melodies and samples from the movie Memento, they fill my soul with a melancholic feeling and my feet are moving again. The guitars are not annoying, the synths and bass dive into my mind... What I'm feeling? Alegria, which means happiness in Portuguese. The break is perfect, colorful layers of sounds, my favorite here from Psycraft & Guy himself! Then I'm dancing in a groovy way, it's a Dynamic Force that keeps me this way, Delirious did an amazing work in remixing their own track, the bass is intense and goes right into my head. The groove session continues with a slower and carefully crafted track by Xerox & Illumination. The intense melodies bring a smile to my face and evolve to a steady full on after the break... And last, but for sure not least, we have a much slower track to close this awesome compilation: it's Michele again, she came to finish what she had begun, this time with Psysex in a much more interesting track. With sensual vocals and lyrics, nice effects through all the track and different bass lines this short track is one of my favorites! Congratulations Hommega and Guy Salama, this compilation scored high in my taste!

Recomendation:  I love it this release. Every DJ who wants energetic tracks for his sets will find them here. There are no fillers here, some tracks are not my taste, but I must admit all of them are specially designed to keep the dance floor moving. Favorites: 3, 5, 6(!!), 9(!!!), 10, 12(!!).

Review by : full on.

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