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March 11 , 2025
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Adrenalin Drum - Engine

 ( Out of Orion ,  Feb. 2002 )

1. Adrenalin Drum- 131 Lords 140bpm 7:52 2. Domi vs. Har-ell Prusky- Electric Desert 145bpm 8:02 3. Adrenalin Drum- Tears of Knowledge 150bpm 7:46 4. Thousand Islands- Space Monkey 145bpm 8:14 5. Adrenalin Drum- The Maze (V.1) 150bpm 8:36 6. Adrenalin Drum vs. Wizzy Noize- Wizzdrum 140bpm 9:14 7. Jorg & Domi vs. Har-ell Prusky- Magick Woods 135bpm 7:37 8. Adrenalin Drum- Tripomatic remix UK 138bpm 9:10

People call him the godfather of Israeli trance, and no wonder, after an endless list of releases on compilations and vinyl, and 10 CDs on his own, in cooperating, and as half of the successful California Sunshine, we have here a number 11 CD from Har-el Prussky- I don't think there are many rivals for this in trance. Here he cooperates on most tracks with Gabi Harari as Adrenalin Drum, with some guest appearances by Domi, Jorg (SST) and Wizzy Noise. The result is something quite different from what we heard from Har-el lately, much more chaotic and psychedelic, though it has a flavor of his old releases.

It starts with 131 Lords, that uses the samples to tell a story- it turns out like a real fairy tale Than Domi & Har-el (T2) with some more well used Matrix samples- "welcome to the desert of the real..."- a real full on scratchy chaotic track in doomsday atmosphere. Don't like the kick though. Then it goes real fast with Tears of Knowledge (T3)- haven't heard 150bpms tracks for a long time. This is very much in feel with old Har-el's stuff, full on, fast and pounding, with changing rhythms and that melancholic flying melodic atmosphere, boosted with a lot of psy-noises, I think it's even a remix of some old track which I can't really put my fingers on with so many Har-el tracks around. Very old school. Space Monkey (T4) was written by a young new artist and produced by Adrenalin Drum- this is a very refreshing and highly psychotic track with amazing musical work with all kinds of possible noises, that will move your butt and leave a smile on your face. Great! We go back to 150 and the good old times feel with extra crunch with The Maze (V.1) (T5). Than it's Har-el with Wizzy Noise and the outcome is a killer intense brain-scratching piece of music- very very tasty. A veteran conference- Jorg, Domi & Har-el- follows, and the outcome doesn't disappoint- Magick Woods, a dark mysterious track, with amazing atmosphere that only Har-el can produced. A Beautiful slow and emotional melodic track with a proper exploding build-up, and majestic atmosphere. My favorite here. Tripomatic Remix UK ends the album with a whiplash and a driving and satisfying highly psychedelic morning feel.

Recomendation:  Very diverse with some magic moments for all moods, staying psychedelic, but also a bit confused. Full on scratchy with a melodic touch- if that's what you're looking for- you'll enjoy this.

Favorite tracks:1, 4(!), 7, 8(!), 9.

Review by : Shahar

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