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March 11 , 2025
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Interview with Dark Soho

Please present yourselves...

Zeev: My name is Zeev Diukman, I'm 21 years old. My main thing is Dark Soho & when alone I'm Dark Entity.

Rizo: I'm Rizo (Omer Kadosh), 23. Besides being in Dark Soho I'm trying to balance my time between making music and getting the inspiration. So in my free time I try to be somewhere that can give me ideas for music. I can't see myself without Dark Soho.

Boxer: I'm Boxer, or Sagiv, I'm 25, the guitar and synth player, and the group DJ & manager.

OK, so where have you been, disappeared a little, no?

Boxer: Well, the last year we played a lot all around the world, we've been in Greece, Japan, London, Canada, USA, Mexico, Costa Rica and more.

Sun Spot came out in the end of 2000 on Sphere in the UK, then it was remastered and rereleased on BNE with a bonus track in the end of 2001- sorry to take you backwards- but what really happened there.

Zeev: I don't really wanna go into that.

Boxer: I prefer not to touch this. All I can say is that we had lots of problems. Like with Sphere for example... they released the CD without even showing us the cover or play us the master before printing it. And there was a lot more, but as I said I don't want to go through that.

Rizo: What happened is that you start the music from one point and go to another point, so all I can say is that you always learn what is good for you.

How did all this effect your music?

Zeev: It didn't.

Rizo: I think it effected it a lot, because basically you just want to make your music quietly, and not to be bothered with other things, and finding yourself running from place to place. So it took a lot of time from us, but maybe this stress should have happened, maybe this made the music be like it is.

Boxer: Well, I think people understand these things and let's say no one complained about that. I can say Sun Spot sounds much better after rereleased under BNE . I can say more than that, BNE has a good distribution and it helped a lot, it was like few months that you could find the album everywhere, but now its not available again... well...

Now you landed back in England with Shane Gobi & Alchemy records- why and how?

Boxer: Me and Shane became good friends through sphere and we worked together for the last year or so for compilations and stuff, so I can say that I'm very happy with the way he works and his label being around for about a year or so and they're already one of the most respectful labels in London and they're on the right wave!!! So we got this offer the other day from Shane to release the new album with Alchemy. It took a while for us to say yes, but I believe it's the right decision. Sometimes you MUST listen to your heart!!! And I can say I feel we came back home :-)

Another thing is that we are moving to London as well and we believe it's better to live near the label and close to everything you need in order to survive the jungle of music industry.

Zeev: Why? Because they know how to work with artists. We're getting full attention and we have artistic freedom. It's not only a distribution company, it's a label and that's makes the difference.

Rizo: Like I said before, in the end you need to find a good point to stay, and I believe Alchemy is the best thing that happened to us because we know someone is taking care of us. It's a young label, maybe this is why it works so good, because it's fresh and kicks ass.

And a new album- Combustion- is out now- tell us about it.

Boxer: Yes, the album- Combustion- is out. It contains more guitar riffs & gothic symphonic melodies. We didn't lose the DARK SOHO touch in this album, strong break beats & loads of power!! I can say that this album can be described like pure techno metal! Especially the track Save Me God (rmx). This track is a remix to an industrial band call Concrete Nature and I think it sounds killlller (I really like this one... heheheh). It got the Dark Soho touch, but with vocals in and its totally NOT mellow..... hehehe... If you liked the dark stuff wait till u hear this one.......

In the album there's a video clip for Uina Saracoma (live mix) and some more surprises. I hope you will like it :)

Rizo: We had a lot of stories happening to us during this album. We worked for long time on the album and we changed twice the studio. It once used to be in our home and in the end we went and rented a place just for the studio. All these moves during the making of the album effected the music and maybe this is why the album sounds like going somewhere. I can say about the album that I like each one of the tracks, and that does not usually happen.

Zeev: The new album is going more to the techno side but still keeps the DARK melodies, hard beats and metal sound. I personally think that this album is much more mature then Sun Spot. We tried some experimental stuff like the track Noise-6. Also we checked the industrial sound with Save Me God (rmx).

Did Dark Soho changed a lot since the first album- what is different in your music making?

Rizo: Yes, we did change a lot the way we make music. Today it's different 'cause we try not to think in the same way, and to do what we feel like in the same moment. We are also more influenced by other kinds of music.

Boxer: We didn't change that much. As I said we still got our touch but the working techniques are totally different now. The production sounds much better and still improving. But I don't think its for me to decide- you should.

Did you also change as people? Does that effect your music?

Zeev: Of course, you grow with the music and the music grows with you. That makes the music much more to the point. Our music now is more solid then before.

Rizo: I personally changed a lot after traveling for almost 5 months, 4 of them in India. It was good and gave me a lot of power to continue. The effect is only for good cause I'm doing what I love.

You have a very unique sound with a lot of metal and gothic influences and a very different feel- what brought you there? Are you rock stars? Do you wanna be rock stars?

Zeev: First of all, I don't think I'm rock star... I don't care or worry about being a rock star... personally,
I just want to make art... with all the package that's included in that... hehehe

Rizo: We always liked heavy metal. We like powerful music, and to see the dance floor going mad and the people shouting. People need to take out all that's in their heads and enjoy the party. Rock stars? Sometimes you can say that- when we play in big parties and in a guitar track all the people are doing like head banging. Anyway, I prefer to live like I want and to be able to do what I want. To be a star is different. I just want people to enjoy the music more and go mad from the sounds and not from the person.

Boxer: We come from a metal background, and that's my favorite music till today. So I keep getting my influences from metal bands. As for the rock star..... mmmm I don't mind becoming one, but I don't think my personality will ever become that of a rock star if that will happen.... We shall never forget were we came from ...... rock star is just a name..... it can be great to have it, but that's not my goal if it happens... let it be :-)

There's also something a bit gloomy and dark in your music- does that represent your minds? Would you define yourself as happy people?

Rizo: Sure we are happy people. I think that dark is the other side of light, you can't have dark without light. So some like powerful morning and some like powerful night, I don't think a party can be good without the night being a killer. Then the party can go on powerful all the way.

Boxer: I'm a totally happy person, I like to laugh and I like to have fun. The dark side of the music is what we like to listen to. I like dark music, I like powerful music, I like music that makes my hair stand. I don't think there must be a connection between dark music and a lifestyle.

Zeev: We are happy 'cause we find our happiness in darkness so... (nice name for a track, no?). It's the deepest thoughts in our mind that comes out in music form. Some people bring it out by killing others, we prefer to do it through the music... ;-)

You play a lot with beats and rhythms- where does that come from?

Zeev: We build our rhythms by ourselves, not like a lot of other bands that take loops and go ahead. These rhythms come from... only god knows actually.

Rizo: I think it comes from the music we grew on. Building our own loops may take longer and it's harder, but in the end we get exactly what we want.

Boxer: Good question. I think that if you have a track playing its OK for the dance floor till you add a break beat. At that point the dance floor becomes one! It's like force- you dance to it and if its a good break beat you're gonna have like a whole powerful carnival down there. Anyhow, I like it hard and powerful, so I just can't make a tune without break beats.

You do a real live act- tell us about it.

Zeev: We use two guitars and Nord Lead 2 (sometimes JP-8000). Our basic rhythm or tracks are playing on CD that we edited especially for the live act and we add the guitars and leads or effects on it... that leaves us place for jams.

Boxer: We are basing our live on two principals: One is the 2 guitars playing on stage, and the second is the act itself. I know people like to see a live act that is active and not just a bunch of dudes standing there and playing for themselves, so we make it a little more interesting. The crowd can tell u all about it much better than me. If there's something I like the most is to hear them shout and scream… hehehhehe......

Rizo: The live act is built from tracks that we like the most at the time, and present all our style. The stage is always moving and busy...

Any special lives you remember from the last year? Why?

Rizo: Yeahhhhhhhhh... London I can say is always a killer- people went totally mad and satisfied- it's like the venue being transformed into a rock concert. And for sure Japan, where you always get a shock every time you play. We played twice in very big venues in Tokyo for Arcadia and it was fucking hardcore! People just jumped in the air and were shouting. That's the way it supposed to be- lets go mad on dancefloor!

Zeev: I remember all of them and each live has its own memory so it's hard for me to answer this really.

Boxer: Totally Japan & London. It was like the same venue in both cities, it was a theater kinda place
and it was madness. In Japan we played with Psysex and we had like 2500 people. For me if we get the right feedback from the crowd we get the energy and get in to it in no time and we're all having fun :)

Who is doing what? How does it work between you?

Zeev: Everybody is doing everything.

Rizo: Everyone is different, but there is no real Dark Soho without 3 people in the studio. Zeev is the technical computer engineer, Boxer likes to do the arrangement, and I like to do the melodies and floating of the track. So you can say you must have 3 people to get a proper Dark Soho track.

Boxer: For the live act me & Rizo play guitars and I play synth as well. Zeev is on the other synth and Rizo if he is not playing guitar, is on the mixer playing with the effects. As for the studio, Zeev is the computer guy and the soundman. The rest- we all build it together.

It seems you are really one of the few trance bands- 3 people working together- I can't think of many others that stuck together for so long- what makes it work for you?

Zeev: Understanding each other and dreams, that's what makes it possible.

Boxer: I think we got the same goal and in order to achieve it we must stay together!!! So with that on our minds, there are very few things that can stand in our way and come between us (not even women!). Every time something happens between us we ask one question: what we\you\me want to do with our life???
9:00-17:00?? or play music for ever & live the life style we like???
I think the answer is very clear. We are not looking for a fancy life but we just want them to be as nice as possible... So after reminding that to ourselves once again we can move on!! :)

Rizo: I think that we understood from long experience that we must be together if we want to make Dark Soho style, and since this is what we like to do and also what the people who liked us and stayed with us love, it gives us confidence to do it together.

What is the last CD you bought?

Zeev: After I had a burned copy for the last 3 years I finally bought Future Sound of London- Dead Cities.

Rizo: The last one was the new Wizzy Noise, very nice production.

Boxer: Never More- Dead Hart in a Dead World. It's a metal album and these guys are amazing!! The production is so good and they have the power I'm looking for in and album.

What is the last CD you've liked?

Zeev: COIL- Music to Play in the Dark vol. 1 & 2.

Rizo: The new SaikoPod I liked very much. Nice line of music- just floating with no limits.

Boxer: There are too many of them..... I like Never More, I like Cradle of Filth and two albums from a totally unknown artist call devil doll. I don't know why he is so underground, 'cause he is a genius but that's the way it is. His music sounds like an evil cabaret with orchestras or something like that- excellent!!!

What does the future holds for Dark Soho, realistically and hopefully?

Zeev: Realistically, only god knows. Hopefully, to work on some major project with... I can't tell now. ;-)

Rizo: We wish to deal with what we do, and to do also a lot of projects of different kinds of music. Now it's easier, when we live in London 'cause there are more options to do it and things to look forward to.

Boxer: Let the one above decide about that. The plan is there but we will see ;)

 Interview by Shahar
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