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March 14 , 2025
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Yahel - Private Collection

 ( HOMmega ,  Jan. 2002 )

1. Come Inside 137bpm 7:59 2. Electro Panic 140bpm 8:15 (with Infected Mushroom) 3. Avalanch 143bpm 9:01 4. Step By Step 140bpm 7:44 5. Scratch 140bpm 7:41 6. Heart Ache 136bpm 7:28 7. Unusual 135bpm 7:59 8. Crystal Blue 120bpm 6:58 9. Bomb Creator 140bpm 3:43 10. Intelligent Life (video mix) (bonus multimedia track)

Well... if you'll get over the horrific idolizing cover (at least they saved the sunglasses for the inside this time) of the new and third Yahel album, and do not oppose a very clubby oriented music, you'll find some surprises inside even if you're far from being a Yahel fan. It happened to me.
Yahel, while still leaving us here traces of the music that is so much identified with him, characterized by colossal build-ups and exploding hormone-filled melodies, shows he can do a lot more. The first sign for that was found in his Evolution in Israliens 3, a progressive Ticonish track, more of these you can find here starting with the groovy and more in-yer-face opener- Come Inside, through the strong Step By Step (T4), and finishing with the powerful tribal and almost dark Heart Ache (T6).
A high point of the album is the collaboration with Infected Mushroom- Electro Panic (T2)- a totally electroish track that causes chaos on every dancefloor, be it in the woods or in a flashy club. Massive, and nothing you would expect from this combination.
As I said, traces of the old Yahel are still here with the exploding full on Avalanche (T3) with some added Goa touches and a nice nostalgic feel. Scratch does the same, but in a more clubby atmosphere, and with much less success. And Bomb Creator (T9) takes it all the way to the very emotional melodic realms, though it is a short one. When it's 3 out of 9, it's can even be nice to have them here, though I'd drop Scratch out. In between you also have the slow, groovy, percussion-based, and almost funky Crystal Blue (T8), and Unusual (T7), a more clubby technoish tune with nice groove and a light touching melodic lines. And you also get a bonus multimedia track for your computer with a lot of Yahel party close-ups, a lot of half naked good looking girls, a censored baby, and a splashing happy end- watching it was quite an embarrassing experience for me, I must say. I'll leave this CD for the stereo.

Recomendation:  Best Yahel album by far, diverse and fun to listen to, and good for a variety of dancefloors. Both Yahel fans and the ones that stayed away from him so far would be surprised. It is a bit confused though.

Favorite tracks:1, 2(!), 4, 6, 8.

Review by : Shahar

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