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March 13 , 2025
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Yab Yum - Nocturnal Emissions

 ( Peak ,  Dec. 2006 )

1. Multiball - 7:41 (147 BPM) 2. Wou - 7:04 (147 BPM) 3. Labium - 6:20 (147 BPM) 4. Mind My Nipples - 7:14 (148 BPM) 5. Nocturnal Emissions - 8:27 (146 BPM) 6. Compliant - 7:02 (148 BPM) 7. Yodel - 6:57 (150 BPM) 8. Conjoint Twin Myslexia - 7:23 (148 BPM) 9. Disconnect - 7:13 (150 BPM) 10. Dr. Ruthless - 6:52 (80 BPM)

After the compilation Peakopath, Peak Records deliver us their 11th release, the long waited debut album of YAB YUM, Nocturnal Emissions.
The YAB YUM duo consists in Gaspard Besson and Ajja Leu, both Swiss mates. In this album we go into the realms of psychedelic music without any need of too much aggressive sounds, or to much twistedness. By the contrary, this album has a great fluidness, and you can push play and hear track one to nine all at once, because it really flows, this is delight for the ears.
Without being an album for the deep hours of the night, this is, has its name suggests, night orientated. It has tracks for all the tastes (for example the last track is chill-out) some more hypnotic, others groovier but all very danceable with intense psychedelic sounds. I must congratulate the duo, because they really achieved freshness in their sound.
YAB managed to create a musical trip story in this album, and when you “put your feet’s back on the ground” after the play button, the cd is over, because we have such a great flow in here, that we don’t realize the tracks passing by. It is built in such a way that the whole album seems a big track.
We start our Nocturnal Emissions with Multiball, a smooth track, ideal to begin a dj set with if you like to build an equilibrated and mature set. It really gives a good atmosphere to a dance floor. Next we move into Wou, in here we enter a more acid type of sounds, and a funny sample in the middle of it… maybe Sméagol, maybe an alien…well let your mind decide for yourself… create what you like. In Labium track we go more into hypnotic territory, and the leads created are just wonderful, they are build in such a way that it is like a marriage between the choice of sounds. Next we have maybe one of the more “hard” tracks of the album, Mind My Nipples, has a more punchy kick and twisted leads that go through the doors of your mind, like there was no lockers in it. Nocturnal emissions, the track that gave name to the album, is in the same toner of the previous track, hard kick, good work on the build ups and nice brakes; a spiral of psychedelic from minute one to minute seven. In an instance we are already in track 6, Compliant, a calmer track, then its predecessors. Yodel has 150 bpm, one of the fastest tracks in the album, and in here we go with great work on the track, acid lines, sounds coming from nowhere and going in the flash of the eye, good hats, a little bit hypnotic, with a little bit of playing with Yodel, what I believe to be, maybe, a traditional type of sound/music from Switzerland. A mixture of samples from South Park and the music of Yab Yum, compose the Conjoint Twin Mylexia track, and once again we are “lost” in the world of Yab Yum´s leads, kicks and bass line, very nice. Disconnect is the last dance floor track orientated and it’s the, along with Yodel, the fastest track = 150 bpm. Not very strong, but still very cool. And to finish this marvellous “voyage” we have the chill-out track, Dr. Ruthless.

Recomendation:  To conclude, this album seems to me the mature, of the duo’s work. That is why we have an interesting album, very psychedelic, good work on the composition of the tracks, the build ups, the brakes, the rolling drums, it is all very well achieved.
And if you are a Peak fan, this is one that you really must have.

Review by : a3k

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