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March 13 , 2025
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Witchcraft - Magic Frequencies EP

 ( Matsuri ,  1994 )

A. Magic Frequencies 7:34 B. Whale 7:45

Two classic tracks from two of the pioneers of Israeli trance, Rami Shapira- Chakra and Itzik Levy- Sandman. These two released few tracks that where all great party hits and left a mark on the world of trance. Here are two of the classics.

Magic Frequencies was their first track ever released. This is a real classic, and magic frequencies are what it's all about. The track starts with a voice saying: "The gift of time, the gift of life, the gift of wisdom, the gift of light", and then we get beautiful games of spacey flying melodic lines accompanied by that grinding chainsaw scratch and a merciless base line. This is just beautiful, emotional and relentless. Whale is pretty much the same style, with more beat games, much more repetitive, but still with melodic lines all along and off course those beautiful whale songs accompanying the music till the end.

Recomendation:  Two classic tracks from classic music writers- if you get your hands on this one- hold on to it and don't let go- if you can't, try looking for them on the various compilations.

Review by : Shahar

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