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March 13 , 2025
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Wingmakers - Compiled by DJ Pogo

 ( Dragonfly ,  Oct. 2004 )

1. Silicon Sound- Wired 7:57 2. Laughing Buddha & Pogo- Dragon Wings 7:40 3. Dickster & Pogo- Try This 7:48 4. Tristan & Pogo- Freakin' Out 7:36 5. Graham Wood & Franco Rossi- Resurge 9:05 6. Prometheus- Golden Triangle 8:07 7. Quadra- Alien Life Form 7:42 8. Wingmakers- Phoenix Rising 8:30 9. Polaris & Hopi- Wise Man 7:58

Yay, 2 thumbs up for DJ Pogo for gathering so many big UK names and several other ones for such a kick bottom compilation. The label is Dragonfly and if that’s not enough to promise quality tunes than you are welcome to hear it for yourselves.

The opener is the French Silicon Sound with rather boring tune, as opposed to most of his tracks that I heard so far. Laughing Buddha is up next with the Pogo himself to deliver us funky and groovy number with samples from Star Trek Enterprise. Typical British sound with a lot of little sounds and great samples. Next up is Dick Trevor, I must admit that I totally dig his new sound. His brand of full on really makes the typical Israeli full on sound childish and unprofessional. Together with Pogo we get a tune that has the same feeling as the previous but a bit darker and smoother. Once again a lot of very appropriate samples and penetrating little sounds that will surely push all the right buttons. The 4th tune is one of the highlights for me in the compilation. Tristan is the man behind it and he is definitely not someone who needs introduction. His reputation as one of the best UK psy producers is not something that is up for discussion. And this tune in which he collaborated with Pogo is another proof of his unique talents. This is slamming twister with strong, driving rhythm and multilayered sound above it. Holy crap, I’m freaking out! Next up are another 2 legends. Graham Wood of Blowfish and The Infinity Project teamed up with Franco Rossi of Lotus Omega and Crop Circles. Together they create very weird and dark tune with some old school sounds and technoish rhythm. The first times I listened to it I didn’t dig it but I probably will like it later. This is a totally unique tune. Benji Vaughn is up next with his solo project, Prometheus. If you didn’t spend 2004 in some Russian space station you surely heard his brilliant debut album that was released on Twisted Records. If you didn’t, make sure you do it really quick. And if you’ll hear this tune here you’ll understand what all the fuss is about. Golden Triangle is dark, minimal and it’s equipped with ridiculously busy low end. This is as psychedelic and adventurous as it gets in this compilation. You will either like it or hate it. I happen to like it. Next up is one of the hottest names around, Quadra. Formerly Israeli, and now residing in the US, Ido Liran is the one that responsible for Alien Life Form. This tune totally blows my mind. This is what Full on is all about. Massive, no hostages taken attitude and a lot of scratching sounds as in the recipe. I must admit, I didn’t hear his debut album that was released 4 years ago on Boom records but this tune here makes me dig it up. Wingmakers is up next with Phoenix Rising. Unfortunately, I don’t have an idea who is behind this track because my copy is a promo version without the full credits, although there is Tristan feeling all over it. But whoever is behind it, he definitely knows what he’s doing. This is a well crafted stormer that fits pretty well in the mood of this compilation. The closing tune belongs to Polaris and Hopi. This is unfortunately more in the standard full on vein unlike most of the other tracks in the compilation. Pretty mediocre ending to otherwise excellent compilation.

Recomendation:  This compilation is clearly a must for everybody who likes the British sound. If Intricate, complex and intelligent full-on with strong progressive influences is your cup of chai I strongly recommend this one for you.

Favorite tracks:2,3,4!,6!,7,8!!

Review by : Pavel

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