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March 11 , 2025
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Virtual Trance - mixed by Eliad-Indica

 ( Planet Music ,  Jul. 1998 )

1. Zotrax- Abrom Kadobrom 2. Indica- Pray to the Golden Rain 3. Luminus- Freek Show 4. Indica- Liquid Peels 5. Possessed- The Doom Room 6. Zotrax- Fire Ball 7. Possessed- Dancing To Heaven 8. Lominus- Silicosis 9. Indica- Shiva Celebration

This is MORNING music, some of it good and some not really. In Israel it is called "Nitzhonot" music, coming from the Hebrew word for an orchestra conductor, i.e. music that will make you wave your hands, conducting a big orchestra.

This is basically an Indica CD, mixed (we'll talk about that later) and compiled by Eliad who is also involved in 5 of the tracks. 3 as Indica alone and 2 with DJ Tshompy as Possessed.

Track 2, Pray to the Golden Rain, is a nice powerful classic morning track, but that 'heeyow, heeyow' sample is terrible and drives me crazy, I just can't listen to this track because of it, which is a pity since I really like the strong melodic ending. Track 4, Liquid Peels, is beautiful, a great track with a lot of liquid sounds, amazing slow buildups and a beautiful melody to top it all. Track 9 closes the CD, it's always good to hear the names of Ganesh, Vishnu and Shiva especially on a trance track.

The two tracks by possessed are really special, interesting and powerful. Track 5, The Doom Room, starts with a deep soothing melody and evolves into madness, weird voice and laughter samples- brilliant, best track here. Track 7 is also good stuff, keeps changing and going different places, heavy sounds layered with high melodies.

The Zotrax (Liran Oliel) tracks are simple morning tracks that sound so much like Holy Men, just without the complexity of melodies that you find on Intelligence Genetics, and without that there is nothing left really.

The Luminos/Lominus tracks are good. Track 3 is very powerful classic morning music, not much to think about, just pure dance energies. Nice break in the middle with the freak show sample and a great build up back. Track 8 is very fast and full of twisted sounds.

Recomendation:  Some of the tracks are beautiful Israeli morning music. BUT, this is a mix and most of the mixing is bad, especially the mixing between tracks 2&3, 5&6, 7&8 and 8&9. Bottom line: Buy the tracks but not the mix. I know it's a problem, but I can't solve it- make your choice.

Review by : Shahar

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