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March 13 , 2025
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Vibe Tribe - Destination Unknown

 ( Com.pact ,  Apr. 2009 )

1. Incore 7:05 2. Alien, The Cat & Shanti - The Purist (Vibe Tribe rmx) 6:44 3. Japanese Heights 8:37 4. Electrified 6:12 5. Destination Unknown 6:48 6. Rocket Science 7:02 7. A Million Little Pieces 9:03 8. No Limits 7:11 9. Celldweller- Frozen (Vibe Tribe rmx) 6:46

Vibe Tribe is here with his third album, called Destination Unknown. This is fluffy full on with lots of melody, and a general uplifting and happy vibe, so if you can’t take that there’s no use in reading on. For those who don’t know, Vibe Tribe is Stas Marnyanski, and there were two previous albums called Melodrama and Wise Cracks, and both were released on Utopia Records. From the get go Destination Unknown immerses you in deep bass lines, lots of melody and a general happy feeling. The cover reflects this, with a purple man/speaker standing up front, reminding of the cover from Cosmic Tone’s album Wake Up, also released on Com.pact. Anyway, what more is there to tell: The production is top notch, and so is the mastering, so no complaints on that department. The two remixes on here are pretty well done, although they’re not the best tracks on the album. The Purist is nice, but nothing special. A filler for me. The Celldweller remix deserves mention though, since this is an American band, but somehow with all the vocoding nonsense Stas makes it sound as though it’s been sung by an Israeli again. It’s worth listening for a laugh, but I tend to stop the CD after track 8. When I DO go melodic and happy I want to go all the way as well, so for me tracks 1, 4, 5, 7, 8 are the best on here.

Recomendation:  This album makes me feel like jumping around, acting funny, giving my girlfriend kisses, you get the picture. The happy feeling is conveyed well throughout most of the tracks. The bottomline is: If you like this style you’re in for a treat here. Enjoy this melodic adventure!

Favorite tracks:1, 4, 5, 7, 8.

Review by : Acidhive

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