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March 13 , 2025
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VA - Yggdrasounds

 ( Yggdrasil Records ,  Jul. 2008 )

01 – Konkylie – Underwater - 8:42 02 – Procs – Open Up – 8:45 03 – Krussedull – Bananaboat - 9:05 04 – Hutti Heita – EQ 4 U – 8:32 05 – Zoolog – Maria Johanna – 6:46 06 – Hutti Heita – Twisting The Night Away – 9:09 07 – Alter Egon & Loke – Spectral Ghost – 7:52 08 – Loke – Riding Bridges – 8:31 09 – Derango – Ginnugagap – 7:11

Yggdrasounds is the second official release of Yggdrasil Records, a Denmark labelled based.
Let us hear the “Ydddrasounds”:
The first track Underwater (T1) is produced by Konkylie. It is a rather calm track, very hypnotic and minimal. It has some good leads and all runs in “calm waters”. It is a nice track, maybe not so aimed for a dance floor, I mean, it isn’t the regular pumping style track, more appropriate to deep hours of the night, when the trip is high, because it has some sounds that out of this world. Plus it has some additions of samples of classical music, not very perceivable but they are there. Great opener.
Open Up (T2) is produced by Procs. This one is very similar in terms of mood, of the previous track, it is slightly more dynamic, but it still goes for hypnotic and minimal domains. One thing that also runs in this track is few melodies, that appear from time to time and some twilight sounds. More to the end of the track is goes more faintly energetic but never loosing sense of its “origins”.
Krussedol brings Bananaboat (T3). Well this tune breaks the mood from what the CD has started and enters into wacko realities: there are insane sounds and weird noises. The beginning is somehow calm, but you feel like a warming up. I particularly like a lead that starts at about 3:06 – from very good taste. Also some sounds look like the old spectrum games, disconnected with this world, but you also get the inverse in this track - to counteract those “out of this world sounds”, you can hear some sounds that give you a warm feeling of connection with reality. I like very much this duality. Favourite.
Hutti Heita is the producer that follows. EQ4U (T4) is a hypnotic track and in the beginning we are presented with some sounds resembling to water sonorities. The music possesses some uplifting and disturbing sounds, conferring sometimes a spooky atmosphere into the track. The track is kind of minimal.
Zoolog, brings Maria Johanna (T5) track. Way dynamic track, full of rippling sounds and interesting twists and turns; some clever tricks on the percussive elements. I must be honest, the 1st times I listened to this tune, somehow it didn’t caught my attention, but after some more listening I started to enter the vibe of the tune and discovered really amazing sounds, and I particularly liked the work that was made after some brakes, in which the various sounds morph them selves into others conferring a great vibe into the tune. Favourite.
Once more we are brought into another track of Hutti Heita with Twisting The Night Away (T6). It begins with a rather funny sample, from a track, that I don’t know if it already exists or it was created intentionally because of this track. Nevertheless we are introduced to a more energetic track, than EQ4U. This mainly happens because of a powerful kick and bass combination. The hypnotic landscapes are still a trademark.
Alter Egon and Loke bring Spectral Ghost (T7). I am not sure but I believe this is the debut of Alter Egon (Frode Matiassan) – Loke has already released in the 1st release of Yggdrasil. There are sounds coming out of nowhere and some time’s melodious happy sounds appear, other times the melodious sounds are weird and frightening. Some leads remind me a circus and I don’t know why, but I like the feeling. It exist also a few tricks on the kick, compassed with the leads and makes a nice morphing on the sounds.
Now comes Loke alone delivering Riding Bridges (T8). Expect on this track some sharp and outer space acid leads. The beginning is a tenebrous one with a few leads touching hypnotic empires. But this beginning suffers a turn and the track after the 1st minute, which is where this tenebrous begin belongs, the sounds become more lively and open. One thing I liked was the work on the leads where it seems they are repeated on a certain note, and the same thing repeats with another note, and after it, it pops again to the previous note. This is one of the most energetic full of sounds track of the whole CD.
And in an instance we reach our final track with Derango bringing Ginnugagap (T9). Well this track brought to my memory the debut album of Derango. This track brings their old special musical touch allied with new sonorities. This tune really blew me away because of the intensity of the several sounds coming and going, ripping your mind, twisting it, spiralling it, and well making all it wants with your senses. This one is full of energy and dynamism and there are some particular leads, that have a Goa trance feeling, that for me fuel the track in such a way, “that if you reach a lighter into the speakers they will start on fire”! My favourite track of the compilation. It is an excellent way to end this compilation.
The mastering of the CD was once more made by Tim Schuldt.
I have no info on who made the artwork, but it features basically the logo of the label mixed with some sea corals and some water elements.

Recomendation:  This second release of Yggdrasil Records brings a nice pool of artists searching a very peculiar line of sound and it shows the direction this label is going to. There are nice pearls in here and this CD is well spent money.

Favorite tracks:3, 5, 9.

Review by : a3k

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