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VA - Turbulences

 ( Parvati ,  Aug. 2008 )

01 – Papiyan – Beasty Beats - 7:20 [150 BPM] 02 – Dronebixie – Polyp – 8:00 [149 BPM] 03 – Kurofusion – Granular Bootcut - 6:53 [150 BPM] 04 – Arjuna – Artificial Paradise – 8:01 [148 BPM] 05 – Gappeq – Watermelon Juice – 7:23 [152 BPM] 06 – Kinjahjaf – Katjusja – 8:01 [150 BPM] 07 – Digitalien – Mushroom Engine – 7:28 [148 BPM] 08 – Acess Gremlin – Bionic Side FX – 7:42 [148 BPM] 09 – Jahbo – Allmight Jah – 7:58 [147 BPM] 10 – Coma Sector – Conductor – 8:12 [147 BPM]

Turbulences is the 16th release of Parvati. A label that has built a strong reputation along the years, releasing several quality compilations and albums, and surely is always worth the check every new release they make, and one thing is guaranteed, you will find superb quality music on their releases.
But let us hear the “turbulences”:
The first track Beasty Beats (T1) is produced by Papiyan. It begins with a smooth start, with several rushed sounds. Although it has a 150 BPM´s counter, the track is rather “slow”, because of the long and vague sounds it possess. Also it has several degrees in the filter metallic resonances, which create a nice environment and atmosphere in the tune. In the overall it is a calm track, not a dance floor monster but it is a nice opener for the compilation, leaving your senses open for what to expect of the CD.
Polyp (T2) is produced by the Dronbixie. The beginning of this track let’s you know which direction it will take: a walk into hypnotic realms, accompanied with dynamic elements that create a good flow. There are certain parts of this track that somehow make my mind imagine I am in an empty dark room, and I hear only randomized sounds, with a strange vagueness between each sound, making me wander in a no men’s land. The ambient Christian Kaaz, assembled on this tune is for inner travelling. This track really is vague, and hypnotic, and there are some electrifying leads from good taste.
Now Kurofusion brings Granular Bootcut (T3). If the two previous tracks were rather tranquil, this one is more “agitated”. Mainly because of the good work on the hats and the sharp, dynamic work on the several leads – I mean, the percussive elements somehow seem that they aren’t energetic, and in a way pass to second plan. The acidic environment that is created, full of noises and sounds, imbues your brain, your senses in a land of chaos.
Artificial Paradise (T4), from Arjuna, makes any DJ happy. This is one of those tunes, that if you wish to get the crowd moving and jumpy, you have to spin this track. The kick and bass of this track are powerful and the combination of this energy with the acid, electrifying leads, you get a “deadly combo”. The leads of this track are from very good taste; they rip your brain from one side to the other – there is a part of the tune where they get more hypnotic type, but the music is always “shooting” sounds in several directions. Favourite.
Gappeq, is the Mr. that follows with Watermelon Juice (T5). I was able to hear his debut album, and I wasn’t to excited with the final result, there are some good tracks in there, but nothing to outstanding, at least for me, and I was a little bit apprehensive when I started to listen to this track. But my fears quickly vanished way. One thing that popped right away to my ears was some tenebrous, spooky melodic sounds on the background, throughout the tune, mixed with the more upfront leads. This one has nice energy and great dynamics, and it has a special moment where the sound becomes blissful; at about 4:00 minutes – simply superb! I remember the 1st tune I heard from Gappeq, that was released on The Meaning Of Life (Vertigo Records), and somehow I got addicted with the addiction of some “not so much electronic sounds”, or maybe more melodic ones, with the totally electronic ones, and this one somehow remind me the mood of that track. Favourite.
Now comes a 3 track production: Kindzadza, Jahbo and Syntax Error, produced together the Katjusja (T6) track. I am not sure but I think this track was played by Jahbo on BOOM 2008, and it got a nice acceptance by the crowd. This is not the typical pumping style track, and I consider it to be more mentally orientated, than physically destined. It has some nice leads, some of them typically Kindzadza style - on the overall you get a good tune; it doesn’t have many ups and downs, or nothing to outstanding. Personally I thought that with a 3 persons track, it would turn to be more insane and wacko track, but it is also nice that other sound options were searched.
Mushroom Engine (T7), if I am not mistaken is the debut track of Digitalian -the project of Teruki coming from the land of the rising sun: Japan. When I first heard this track, I thought I was in the presence of an artist coming from the Scandinavian countries, because the sound is very similar to the one coming from there, but it was a surprise when I saw the nationality of the artist. What you can expect of this track is acid leads, and twisted noises, and in one part or another, the sound touches syndromes of insanity. In general, I think that what classifies this track better is that it is the trademark sound of Parvati Records.
Next we move into Access Gremlin with Bionic Sound Fx (T8). The Person behind this project is Thomas Lobo, from India, that used to have the project called Gidra. That project is no more, and Thomas has searched new orientation to his music, and I think it fits very well the sound of Parvati. We get a rather smooth track, full of little noises, and good resonances on the background of the track. The leads, are calm, and don’t go on “big explosions” of sounds, they are presented on a “straight” line, and don’t have much oscillations throughout the track. Some of the leads are similar to bubbling effects. One thing that I particularly enjoyed is a lead, which seems like some echo, and usually it appears right after a brake on the track, giving a nice feeling of continuity even when they fade away – weird feeling.
Now we come to an artist that has made appearance, at least on the last 3 releases of Parvati – Jahbo brings Almighty Jah (T9). One thing that I always like on Jahbo tracks is the environment he creates around his tunes. The first 4 minutes of the track are like a preparation for the rest of it. The preparation track is calm, with little noises, and sounds similar to drops falling on the water; then at about the 4 minutes comes the part I like more: some melodious leads creating a nice atmosphere, others more abstract that are repeating in a fixed compass, and even another one which is the main lead, that is simply superb, that for me is the main fuel of track. And this lead also suffers some work at the same time has percussive elements implement some tricks and brakes. Favourite.
And so we reach the final track of the compilation: Coma Sector with conductor (T10). One thing that comes directly to the ears is the energy of the kick and bass. I find them similar to the track of Arjuna. This one possesses more random and hypnotic sounds, then Artificial paradise but it is a full stomping track! Favourite.
The mastering of the CD was once more made by Drix at See Thru´ Frog Studio.
The artwork was made by Batuun, and basically the outside cover has some trees with that autumn colour guessing a more colder season is coming, and the inside cover is full of pictures probably from parties where artists of parvati played or attended.

Recomendation:  To conclude my review, I just want to say, that this is another fine release of Parvati, bringing great moments of music, And if you are a collector of their music, go buy this CD.

Favorite tracks:4, 5, 7, 9, 10.

Review by : a3k

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