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VA - Rajdhani Xpress

 ( Samsara Records ,  May. 2008 )

01 – Schizobot - Pstyrofoam 02 – Gidra – Adam Leatherface 03 – White Wizard – Metalized 04 – Bloodclot – Life Ends Time Begins 05 – Vasuki – Rajdhani Express 06 – Spiral – Fury Within 07 – Silent Horror – Disekted 08 – Triamera - Phrikyhorror 09 - Flipknot - Intense Vivid Bharti 10 - Devic - Endless

Rajdhani Xpress is the second release of Samsara Records. This CD has the particularity of only featuring Indian artists. It is a conceptual CD: like the Rajdhani Express train connects different regions from India, this CD connects Indian artists into a single compilation.
But let us see where this “train” takes us on his journey:
The first track Pstyrofoam (T1) from Schizobot is the opening track for the CD. It is very lively, full of little sounds and great dynamics; it is mixed with some great glitch tricks, and some of them look a like bubbling water effects throughout the track. This is the debut of this project – Dhruy Sethi is the man behind the project - and in this track he presents great energy; surely a name to check for more in a near future. Favourite.
Next we move towards a known artist: Gidra with Adam Leatherface (T2). This track runs into hypnotic realms, and obscure paths. The sonorities sometimes are sharp other times are electric and rushed; they are combined with vague and slow sounds on the background. We also get the particularity of hearing samples of the Adams Family, who I think has a character called Adam Leatherface. I like very much the twisted atmosphere allied with the rushed sounds on this one. Track aimed for night time. Favourite.
Metalized (T3) from White Wizard is the track that follows. This music turned out to be a little bit minimalist to my tastes; it is surrounded with several twilight leads, and some hypnotic elements – thought sometimes it’s filled with some aggressive, and rushed sounds. It has here and there some hasty leads, but it follows a continuum line of sound, without many outstanding ups and downs.
Time Ends Life Begins (T4) is the work from Bloodclot. It has some interesting sounds, sure is full of energy and disconcerting sounds, but sometimes I think it follows a direction where it becomes a little bit confusing. Nevertheless it has some electrifying leads worth the record.
Now we are presented with the track that gave name to the compilation: Vasuki brings Rajdhani Express (T5). I believe that this duo makes their debut in this compilation. It starts with some horns, and samples that are from trains and its wagons in motion. Once more we are presented with a track that touches minimalist territories, and it becomes vague with certain leads.
Fury Within (T6) is brought by Spiral. Now this one “runs away” from the previous track and it enters at full steam with a fast BPM, and fast sounds, and some nice filter effects. It is a dynamic track, with some up and down spiral sounds, and some repetitive sounds on the background. It has also some tricks on the percussive elements that allied with the work on the leads at the same time create a great vibe on the tune. I particularly liked some of the leads that revolve around twilight resonances. The work on the kick and bass is also very cool – this combined “forces” confer the track a nice energy. Sometimes, this track, resemblances to the work of Highko/Cosmo. Favourite.
Disekted (T7) is the product of Silent Horror. If you know Jigar works, you know what you expect in this tune. It starts with some aggressive work, on the percussive elements, and then on the moisture we have some continuum leads that almost seem like a person crying, or screaming, but in a much distorted way. The first two minutes are the introductory parts, after this, expect a turn on the kick, which turns to be even more powerful than on the start, and allied with this twist, we get some wicked and twisted sounds. The final part of the tune, that starts about 5:06, after a build up with a dizzying lead, the track turns into “massive destruction” till the end.
Triamera, if I am not mistaken also make their debut track in this compilation: Phrikyhorror (T8). This project is composed by Jigar (Silent Horror) and Tilak. It is clear we can hear the work of Jigar in here. There are some leads that remind some of his works, and it is naturally that it happens; but this tune is composed with substantial sounds - probably because we have to insane dudes working at the same time, and two brains composing is always nice - sometimes it reaches a point of insanity. All the combined sounds, plus the addiction of some beeping sounds on the background, make it a nasty track. There are really acid and twisted lines presented in here.
Now enters the parallel project Brian Fernandes - Flipknot. Usually Brian performs under the name Kerosene Club. Intense Vivid Bharti (T9) is a track that reminds me a lot of Bark At The Midnight Sun track from The Forest Of The Freaks Kerosene debut album. It is a groovy track, very danceable, it is full of nice leads, and surprising sounds, that aren’t the regular electronic sounds, but fit very well in the track. Favourite
And so we reach our final track: Devic with Endless. It is a dynamic tune, with hypnotic elements. It has great energy, always trashing with some rushed elements. It is a nice track to finally arrive our destination.
The mastering of the CD was made by Random @ Random Studios.
The artwork was made by Blisargon Demogorgon, and basically it is a train, and I think it is the “Rajdhani Xpress”, with some storm pictures on the background, and also a “haunted house”.

Recomendation:  I found in this second release of Samsara records some original sounds, and some artists to have in mind in a near future, but I also have found that some new artists in here should have matured a little bit more their sound, before releasing it. It shows they are on a good path, but a long walk must still be walked in order to perfect small “cliché’s” of the music to make it more appellative and attractive.

Favorite tracks:1, 2, 9

Review by : a3k

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