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VA - Organic Circuitry

 ( Ektoplazm ,  Dec. 2008 )

01 – Ekoplex – The Alchemist - 7:50 (148 BPM) 02 – Magic & Witchcraft – Superstructure - 7:41 (143 BPM) 03 – Felis – Unkonwledge Knowledge - 7:27 (139 BPM) 04 – Jikkenteki Vs Katapult (Par-2) – Swamp Monter – 7:32 (140 BPM) 05 – Clone – Perseids - 8:16 (142 BPM) 06 – EvsY – Fennomaniacs Delight - 7:46 (146 BPM) 07 – Intriga – Lost Cause - 9:36 (147 BPM) 08 – Jikooha – Galaxy Journey - 7:48 (148 BPM) 09 – Filteria – The Predator (2907 Remix) - 8:05 (130 BPM) 10 – Phoboshpere – Intersection 2060 – 7:16 (110 BPM)

Organic Circuitry is the first compilation ever released by Ektoplazm. After having several EP´s released, now appears the first VA, compiled by Alexander (Dj Basilisk). For those who don’t know what Ektoplazm is, I recommend you to go search the internet to know what this is all about, but basically, is few words it is a place where a lot of free releases find their home, and can be downloaded in several formats, wave, mp3´s, lossless. But not only music can be found: it is a place of discussion related to psychedelic trance music as well. But I strongly recommend a surfing to their site: www.ektoplazm.com
But let us see what the “Organic Circuitry” brings us:
This compilation starts with Ekoplex, a Canadian artist who made his debut also on Ektoplazm, with the EP Enter The Dragon, and his debut album Journey Of The Turtle, whom it is one of the most downloaded albums in the site. This 148 BPM tune, the Alchemist (T1), surfs around melodic, twisted leads and full of groove on the percussive elements. It is very energetic, and in a way, points the direction of what to expect of the whole compilation. Favourite.
Now we go to Superstructure (T2), that is produced by Magic & Witchcraft, and we have a serious drop on the BPM´s – 143 to be more precise. But don’t let yourselves be mistaken by the counter! This one has fast leads that in a way compensate the relatively slow tune. It is one track ideal for those beautiful mornings in the parties: it is dynamic, energetic, and vigorous - it touches Goa Trance sonorities and ideas, with a crystal clear production, with all the ideas well assembled, making a good voyage! Favourite.
Unknowledged Knowledge (T3) is the lady that follows. This track even has a slower BPM than the previous two tunes: 139. It smoothes things a little bit, after the pumping start we got on the CD. It has smoother sounds, and here and there we hear some hypnotic sounds, but it keeps on the good active style, nice overall flow, and although it is the slowest tune, I do not consider this tune one into the progressive style.
Now we have a collaboration track, Swamp Monster (T4), made by Jikkenteki and Katapult (Par-2). In this one we have a long intro, with dazzling leads, and a slightly rise on the BPM. The first part of the music is rather calm, and things get more agitated in the second part, that starts at about 3:30. In there we are introduced into more wicked sonorities, but the melodical sounds keep on the background, creating a strange atmosphere, but nothing to twisted.
Clone brings Perseids (T5). I think this is the debut of this artist, whom I don’t recall of hearing anything from him out there, and it seems a promising artist. We can hear in this track some Arabian sounds mixed with some sponge sounds effects on the background, it has a good rhythm, and it sure has everything in it’s place, not having overwhelming sounds, eating one another. Interesting tune.
EvsY, are no new comers to the scene, having released several tunes, they are a strong bet on this compilation. The beginning of Fennomaniac´s Delight (T6) moves towards directions of the more abstract realities sounds, but we wait and we are transported into some melodic magic moments. Favourite.
Intriga, begins Lost Cause (T7) track, with some piano notes, and they reminded me old Infected Mushroom sounds; in fact this work on the piano will be present through the track. I liked the mixture between the twistedness present on the track, mixed with the classical effect, creating like a mad opera psychedelic tune. It is the longest tune of the compilation with 9:30 minutes.
Galaxy Journey (T8) is the work of Jikooha. It begins right with some Goa trance melodies, taking us right away to the called “Golden Days”. To be more precise, this track is Goa Trance, it has great energy and overall flow, but there are some parts, I feel some sounds not connect themselves very well, and seem out of tune. Nevertheless, these were just momentum parts, and the final result, is a nice, friendly tune reviving old days.
Now once more we have an artist that needs no introduction: Filteria. The Predator (2907 Remix), is a slow tune – 130 BPM – and once more we are brought into Goa Trance sonorities (well if you know Jannis Tzikas works you know what to expect), but this time, something way more slower than what he usually delivers.
And in an instance we arrive to the last tune of the compilation. Phobosphere with Intersection 2060 (T10). A down tempo track, with vague and spatial sounds, and having in mind the overall flow of the CD, it conserves some melodical aspects of it. Excellent way to end this compilation.
The mastering of the CD was made by Colin Bennun @ The Soodio, Bristol, UK. And I must say the mastering is crystal clear – no flaws in here.
The artwork was made by Paul Zulauf from Canada, and what a delight for the eyes!

Recomendation:  This release is different! It is different from what has coming out lately, and I want to congratulate Alexander, for putting so much energy in here, cause I think, in my point of view, he was able to put together something magical – I see in this work, that everything was made to please the listener, the music is good, and the artwork is also very interesting. I strongly recommend this release to people searching for energetic, intelligent music; I recommend this release for those looking for a melodical side of trance, with a touch of twistedness.

Favorite tracks:1, 2, 6.

Review by : a3k

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