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VA - Acid Mutants

 ( Discovalley ,  Feb. 2004 )

01 – Terminator – Cube - 7:47 (146 BPM) 02 – Fungus Funk – Geona - 7:37 (144 BPM) 03 – Psychotic Micro – Vampire Legend – 7:06 (146 BPM) 04 – Parasense – Iron Punk – 6:24 (146 BPM) 05 – Mic – Arithmetic – 6:42 (144 BPM) 06 – Freaking – ICQ – 8:50 (147 BPM) 07 – Fungus Funk – Dis – 7:25 (145 BPM) 08 – Seroxat – Mental Distorted – 6:54 (148 BPM) 09 – Psychotic Micro – Fright Night – 6:57 (145 BPM)

Acid Mutants is the second release of the known label Discovalley Records. Like in their first release it features, again, artists like Terminator, Fungus Funk and Parasense, but it also brings some new comers like Seroxat, Psychotic Micro and others. Also, like it expected, this compilation delivers highly quality tracks.
But let us hear what the “Acid Mutants” have brought in this CD:
The first track, Cube, is produced by Zolod aka Terminator. The atmosphere around this track is just delicious, all the leads and sounds make a perfect symbiosis. I miss a lot this project sonority because normally the “final product” is simply a fantastic voyage. This is the perfect example of how to create nice groovy night music appellative to dancing. It is surrounded by all this small sounds, and the main leads just are perfect. One thing I also like in here is the melody on the background of the tune, not always present, but if you pay enough attention you will hear it. Favourite, and excellent opener for the CD.
Geona (T2) is the track that follows and it is produced by Serguei Prilepa the man behind the project Fungus Funk. A slow tune – 144 BPM – but being this tune a rather slow one, the leads are pretty impressive and fast; acidic all the way leaving a strong presence on the tune. One thing that also pops to the ears is the kick and bass combination – a powerful one.
Now we have Micky and Kobi from Psychotic Micro delivering Vampire Legend (T3). This track and the last one of the compilation were the first tracks I ever heard from this project. It is evident the Israeli madness applied in here. This is a full stomping track all the way. I want to make a small emphasis at about 3:20 where it starts an incredible build up – something like a razorblade cutting all the way never stopping with any obstacle on its path.
Iron Punk (T4) is the manufactured good by Parasense project. We are presented with a minimalist track full of industrial sounds, aimed for night time. Although the track is composed for few sounds it still able to build up a nice groove and maintain a nice spirit.
Arithmetic (T5) is the product by Hugo Laurent and Sven Looping, the persons that compose the Mic project. This one is more explosive than its predecessor, and also maintains a nice groove, with lots of bubbling effects on the background. It has also some great psychedelic lines that rip your mind into other places. The only thing I dislike about this track is that the first minutes are really pumping, energetic, and create a nice feeling, but more to the end of it, it looses power, leaving the sensation something different could have been made.
Now we are introduced to “ICQ” (T6), and it is brought to us by Freaking, a project from Zolod and Kristy. ICQ, is also the name of a program that enables you to maintain chat with persons from all over the world, something very look a like the Messenger system. But returning to the track, one thing that is constant and is noticed in this music, is the funny noise of horning of a car, or so it seems to my ears. This tune is packed with small noises and sounds throughout of it. Although this is the project of two persons, one thing that seems to me is that on the background the acid lines are Zolod style.
Dis (T7), in my opinion is the highlight of this compilation. This track is simply superb. Is possesses a strong kick and bass combination, which puts your senses in vigilant as soon has they start. At about 1:26 minutes, begins a lead from outer world: personally it leaves me on my “knees” when I hear it. I like very much of the parts that the tune is absent of bass line, but is has kick and that astonishing lead. More to the end of we are introduced to a weird sound that makes its presence much “in your face”. I consider this to be an ego liberating track. Favourite.
Seroxat makes his presence on this compilation with Mental Distorted (T8). These are the kind of sounds that made me like of Seroxat. There are some typical Israeli sounds and tricks, mixed together with some delicious electrifying leads. We can also hear some ringing sounds from telephones, or if they aren’t, they are very similar. We are also presented with some interesting build ups here and there. Favourite.
And so, we reach our final destination with Psychotic Micro transporting us to a Fright Night (T9). Like I had stated before regarding their previous track featured on this compilation, this is Israeli madness offered to us. I like the symbiosis they were able to create between all the metallic sounds, resonances effects and lots of filtering.
The mastering of this compilation was made by Volker Koenig at D Suite Studio- Hamburg/Germany.
About the artwork, I didn’t found any reference on who made it. It reminds me the landscape of a distant planet with some aliens in their homes, watching probably their sun reflected on a lake.

Recomendation:  I just want to say that this second release of Discovalley Records is different from Nocturne, but it brought some pearls to our ears. It comes to my mind the case of the Fungus Funk track that to me is an in temporal tune, and it rocks my mind every time I listen to it. Recommended compilation.

Favorite tracks:1, 7, 8.

Review by : a3k

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