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VA - 1001 nights

 ( Discovalley ,  Sep. 2008 )

1. Double Trouble - 1001 Nights 2. Nasha - Pulsha Deep 3. Fraktal Noise - Sorojochi 4. Innersound - Jetlag 5. Stereographic Vs Silent Horror - Dream 6. Stranger - Ti Ora Ine? 7. Bash - Confined 8. Claw Vs Silent Horror - Amityville Revisted 9. Dark Elf - Exxxotic Liquid

What can I say about this release? Probably one of the best of 2007. Counting with 7 releases Discovalley is an established label that delivers good, solid and quality psychedelic music. Teo, Olga and their psychedelic family have brought us a CD, that keeps their standards; you push play and this is a beautiful journey from minute one till the last…this is delight for the ears.
So let’s go to the tracks:
The 1st track is a project between Dark Elf and Apnea, called Double Trouble. This is 10 minutes of an epic music; we start with one minute without any percussion, some female voices and then we get to the real deal; great atmosphere, it creates a good vibe throughout the track, without the need of using to much “evil” leads. It has also some great elements of different types of percussions in here, everything in this track is delicious; I wonder how people can create such great music? This is an excellent track for opening a DJ set, plus, that they were able to run from the typical template 7 minute tracks. It is so nice to push boundaries.
Now we are in track nr.º 2, Nasha with Pulsha Deep. To me a rather new artist, but makes it’s debut in a wonderful way. This music is delight for the brain, very well assimilated by the brain cells. It has some elements that remind me the sonar of a submarine, it seems sometimes we are under water lot’s of different sounds, and lot’s of leads make it an interesting track. It has a great lead, that I have always enjoyed, and it the type of lead that makes my mind think that it is sounds of Gods speaking: at 5:50 minutes, if you ear it, you will surely recognize it. One of my favourite tracks of this compilation, I just love this track, mainly because of that particular lead!
Fraktal Noise brings track nr.º3, and this is track is for the deep hours of the night…more tecnish type of sounds, with some hypnotic elements, a powerful kick, combined with some melodical sounds, that all mixed up create an excellent track for those high hours of the night, when the trip is high. This one doesn’t seem much complex in terms of sonorities, in fact, it seems very simplistic musically speaking, but it creates a great feeling of trip.
Track nr. º 4 is brought by Innersound, and once again this is music for the night…trippy sounds, and what find very nice, is that none of the sounds used in this track, “eat” the others, I mean, every single sound is in it’s right place, without overwhelming the others. Jetlag effect is very well represented in here. And I wonder how much artists suffer from this effect?
Stereographic and Silent Horror, bring Dream track. This is a combination between a Brazilian artist and an Indian one. It starts with some child samples and then pure blast all the way! This is a dance floor monster, this one will get you moving all members of your body :D . The 1st 1:50 minutes are the preparation of the twisted ness that it is to come. Aggressive and twisted leads are very well conceived; this vs. track is very well produced, each artist leaves its mark in the 7 minutes of the track, without leaving the other one in the shadow.
Now we have Stranger, an artist which I really enjoy, although his latest tracks were not so very pleasing to my ears, but this one proved me he is still the old Stranger artist :D .The 1st music I heard from him, was the track that was released in Tantrumm´s Freshly Squeezed, and although they are very different, I can surely recognize Stranger´s trademark! This is a spectacular music, very fast and furious, with great build ups and downs. The rhythm of this one is very great, the hats used are just amazing, and the leads powerful! Another favourite track... can’t seem to get tired of listening to it 
Now we have my xará (Bash, knows what I am speaking about, we are both André´s this is indeed a curious world). This track is really twisted, the kick and bass are very powerful, and the leads are from another planet! There is only one small thing I really don’t like... there are some music/sounds in the background, not always present, only appear sometimes, and it seems coming from video games from the 80´s. I personally don’t enjoy much, but I am sure this will make some confusion in the brainz of some in a dance floor.
Amityville Revisted, is track nr. 9 and this one is the second collaboration of Silent Horror, but this time with Greek brain Claw, an artist I also really enjoy very much. Another dance floor monster, and if you know the works of this two artist you can clearly listen their typical sounds in the track. There are some hypnotic sounds in here also, but the real work is in the leads, the psychedelic created by their work is just great. Some fade in´s and out’s worked on the kick, are very interesting. We get also some samples, they seem wolves…but it can be my ears.
And then suddenly we are in the last track, the artist behind the project is Dimitri, from Greece, and this time he doesn’t use his usual name – Dark Elf – but instead he uses Dark Elfaki, because this track is more morning orientated. Liquid exxxotic is its name. This one is more melodical, but I am sure if it was played at night, it would still make some “damage”. It is very nice that artists do not shut themselves in shells, and produce all types of music, orientated for several times of the party. It starts in a calm way; there are some samples which I believe they say “diva”? Like I stated before, this is not fast and aggressive music, but the more melodical side of Dark Elf, I find also very nice to hear some Spanish guitar samples in the middle of the track. Another favourite track; and an excellent way to end this marvellous compilation.
The Artwork of the compilation is very nice also, all those elements represented in the cover: buildings, magic lamps, even the logo´s label, are all very nice.

Recomendation:  So to end my review, this CD I believe is a must have for all fans of psychedelic music; such is the pleasure of hearing this, I know it all comes down to tastes, but if you are a fan of night music, but not only, get this one, you won’t regret of spending your money in this compilation. Eagerly waiting for more VA´s of DiscoValley Records.

Favorite tracks:Discovalley

Review by : a3k

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