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March 13 , 2025
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Unconventional - compiled by Alic

 ( Horns & Hoofs ,  May. 2008 )

1. Kalumet- Pandora’s Fox 7:55 2. Mantik- Lounge Deranger 7:23 3. Alic- Liquid Modernity 7:23 4. Sophicos- Ain’t Like That 5:17 5. Midimiliz- Phenomena (Atmos remix) 8:05 6. The Rockitman- Overhazed 6:44 7. Metalogic- Picknik 6:05 8. Midimiliz- Stalker (Alic’s liquid disco reconstruction) 6:36 9. October Rust- It Came From Outer Space 6:49 10. Fuzzion- Solar 6:36

Horns & Hoofs Entertainment was supposedly the first Russian record label who once upon a time set out a respected goal of specializing in releasing pure psychedelic tech-trance/house music from Russia. The label was founded by Nikita G in 2002 in Moscow, Russia together with the help of the artists involved. H&H loves dirty trippadelic sounds that slowly and lovingly, with a pinch of colors and fungus, plays with your imaginative mind and sexy body. There is something extremely moving about these tracks as they pass each other in intelligent manners and polite gestures. The artists who are contributing are making beautiful slow-moving music and prove that they got skills in the act of altering something secretly and classy. From melting scenery to shooting hoover rides of the planet Etheria, She-Ra would have had a blast on the intergalactic dance floor with Beastman behind the decks - It’s just that sexy and driving. Boing!

The artwork by Inga Burina is fun and pleasant with a good representation of the mechanical flying sounds that whisper over the landscape where party people cheer and sweat. Some contributors to the tech-style might be flying high and safe, but H&H got the hard working prospering mind of delightful mechanics and odd wings in their advantage. While being pulled into the world of Unconventional sounds compiled by Alic, you will find yourself dancing in hoof, closing your eyes, and feeling a beautiful melancholy gloom, while having a smile and a body movement which seems to be made for the heavens. I think Alic does a neat job of setting the phase and groove with nice evolutions in beats and trance. It’s clear that he is not conforming to the accepted rules or standards when he gives us one of the most beautiful rides in the charming tech sky of 2008. This compilation contains good variation of sounds that will lead your senses to a professional capacity that’s vividly pleasant and fun while blowing a Horn to warn your citizens of the demented ravers approaching.

I like all the tracks with some minor variation. The tracks that offer a more serious and mind charging effect with smart compositions and gut stimulating seizures are the height of the journey, and they are to be found in the middle. The journey starts lighter in mood, making your dancing heart pump, while as it progresses you’re dragged into a more surreal and heavy world of bouncing effects and emotional power puff tricks. If I’m ever to complain about anything presented on this sweet V/A, it would be its mechanical nature, where the sounds represented on most tracks are too precise and .. Well, it’s a word I’ve used more then once in my review. Mechanical. Some more flow would be appreciated, but as the artwork portrays, this is old fashion mechanics with a lot of heart and soul that screams charm. It all depends on your audio flavors, but I would gladly recommend this release with all of my heart for what it brings to the table- smart and charming sounds of tech-trance. This is music that proves nothing can be boxed and squared into a medium of dullness and plastic in its phrase and categorizing nonsense of Tuba, as well as Shuba and Duba.

Recomendation:  If you’re into clever sounds of the tech-trance genre as heard from Boshke Beats but with a lighter and more fun touch, this is for you. It has a funk, a feel and a mechanical touch that will set you in glorious trance and gnarling stomps.

Favorite tracks:4(!), 5, 6(!!), 8, 10(!!).

Review by : Psytones

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