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March 13 , 2025
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Twilight - Angels Calling

 ( Mushy ,  May. 2009 )

1. Angels Calling 7:08 (vs. Shake) 2. Xta-si 7:31 3. Space Frequency 8:03 4. Quite Acceptable 7:14 5. Mad Cosmic Visions 7:08 6. Morning Sugar 6:26 7. Threat of light 7:14 8. Programmed Voyage 6:45 9. Smooth Operator 6:48 10. So Far 6:48

Twilight is Javier Martinez, born in 1985 in Mexico City. This is his first album. He’s been DJing for some time now, and is obviously someone that likes melodic full on, since that’s what’s on offer here. The style sounds a lot like Vibe Tribe, Aquatica or Sesto Sento, although Twilight does have more breaks in the music. Sometimes this works out, but sometimes this irritates slightly, especially when a track doesn’t seem to get going until halfway through. Xta-si (T2) is a good example. Most of the time Twilight does pick it up though, and the songs manage to be interesting nonetheless. The promo text goes on about this being innovative. I wouldn’t go that far. It’s solid, but it never gets innovative anywhere, but sometimes a good solid full on album is nice too! It’s like with food. Sometimes you try exotic food to see if it’s good eating, but when your appetite is big you might also settle for a big fat trusty burger. What I particularly like about the tracks is that they start off with pads and atmospheric sounds most of the time, which reminds me of that old Silicon Sound album Pure Analog from way back. This is a good thing. As I said, most of this album is pure melodic full on, a bit like Aquatica or Vibe Tribe, although with a little more subtlety and less in your face melodies. On that note, speaking of lighter stuff: one of my favourite tracks here is Mad Cosmic Visions (T5), which is a bit darker in sound than the rest and has a guitar part in it. The mastering is good, nice and clean. Artwork is great too, it has this fantasy meets sci-fi thing going on, which is nice to look at and makes a welcome change from all the bright coloured fractal artwork which we see so often on full on albums.

Recomendation:  Ok, it comes down to this- looking for some more strong melodic full on to fill up your speakers and take a place in your collection? This is a good place to look.

Review by : Acidhive

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