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March 13 , 2025
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Ticon - Aero

 ( Digital Structures ,  Apr. 2003 )

1. Don't Tell Me I Sing Like A Robot 10:40 2. Waiting for the Knights 9:30 3. Elt 6:26 4. Some Simple Sounds 9:14 5. Vox Pubsicum 0:58 6. Groovin the Bed 8:03 7. It Breakz My Heart 6:52 8. Back to Basic 8:08 9. Ghost in the Machinery 9:23 10. Bonanza 1:21 11. Snooze da Booze 8:40

I took my time with this album, and after really absorbing it I can tell you that Ticon proudly stood the second album test. Aero is everything a good trance album should be a decade after the first trance album was released. It has its share of dancefloor stormers (Waiting for the Knights, Ghost in the Machinery), yet it has the deeper subtler and more musical tracks (Some Simple Sounds, Snooze da Booze). It has indoor clubby and even housey moments, but also more psychedelic progressive outdoor moments. It has enough that breaks the 4/4 formula: the dubby opener, the amazing dubby electroish It Breakz My Heart & the interluding Vox Pubsicum. Hell, it even has the comic relief (Bonanza- sure brings good childhood memories, but aren't these guys too young to remember this one?). And as you can understand from the above it is diverse enough to keep it interesting for a long time. Take note though, that this album is less on the psychedelic side of things.
To sum it, the Ticons have managed to create an album that diverse, interesting, varied, moving, touching, emotional, very musical, keeps growing with time and even funny.

Recomendation:  Great for any bouncing environment. No weak moments, only stronger ones. Best trance album of 2003 so far by far.

Favorite tracks:1, 3, 4(!), 7(!!), 9(!), 10, 11

Review by : Shahar

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