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March 13 , 2025
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Think Sync

 ( Com.pact ,  Feb. 2003 )

1. Dual Head vs. Wrecked Machines- Which One 8:23 2. Psysex- Altered States 8:26 3. Sub6- El Novasion 8:51 4. Cosma vs. OMC- Keep Your Mind 6:27 5. Domestic- Simulated 8:13 6. Atomic Pulse- Reborn 8:10 7. Pixel & Cyclic- Twist A Grin 7:26 8. Panick- Cheezy Poofs 6:30 9. Dual Head- Blackin Human Bass megamix 9:18

Think Sync is a compilation by Eli Biton Tal (Pixel) and Ido Ophir (Domestic)- together Dual Head. Through Com.pact they bring us an excellent compilation of rocking tunes with soft psychedelic morning feel and a lot of power. Most tracks are really good, though I feel the way they’re organized causes the compilation to loose its direction at times. Still a joy.
The guys start it themselves cooperating with Brazilian Wrecked Machines. Which One is a massive atmospheric explosive kick-bass assault with a Cosma feel to it. Splendid dancefloor material. PsySex take on from there with a more darkish scratchy tune twisting and twitching all around you, cutting and curling through soundscapes. Another strong one for the floor. Follow Sub6 with El Novasion (T3)- by far my favorite here, these guys are the most promising act I’ve heard lately, even judging by this track only- so musical, so much feel and emotion inside, so unpretentious, yet so innovative, and most of all refreshing. Straight to the top of my ten. Go Sub6! Keep Your Mind (T4) by Cosma & OMC, while not being my favorite Cosma tune really, is a nice piece which does wonders on the floor, checked and double checked- just keep your mind open! Ido comes back with his long missed Domestic partner Miki Litvak with Simulated, huge dark atmosphere with sparkling lights hovering through it. Then Atomic Pulse with Reborn (T6), what can be said, nothing new here, but it’s just overpowering. Very strong dancefloor material, thinner on the feel side of things, but still a great hands-in-the-air track and one of the best tunes from these guys. Then the other head, Pixel, teams up with Cyclic (Assaf Dor, the long lost half of Gorlation Corporation). They definitely change the atmosphere with a moody drippy twisted psychedelic tune with a perfect name that describes it just great. Great sample, which reminds me of some old US3 tune. Just beautiful psychedelic music. Excellent track, but somehow doesn’t feel in place here. Then Panick fails to excite me again with Cheezy Poofs (T8). To finish it all Dual Head are back combining two of their own big hits from last year, Pixel’s Black In Black Out & Domestic’s Human Bass to a dark menacing megamix. When I first heard these two tracks in about the same time, I couldn’t but notice the similar atmosphere, so this is a nice move. The outcome is indeed a no nonsense massivity.

Recomendation:  Excellent compilation, one of the best released lately. A bit confused but still a must.

Favorite tracks:1, 3(!!!), 4, 6, 7(!).

Review by : Shahar

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