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The Peaking Goddess Collective - Organika

 ( Peak ,  Aug. 2007 )

1. Hyperspace 8:40 2. Love & Peak 7:56 3. Star Peace 8:35 4. Secret Fire 6:09 5. Rolling 9:35 - 132 bpm 6. Ishtar 8:04 7. Being Transformation 7:43 8. Arcana 7:12

Organika is the latest release of Peak Records, and what a great pleasure it was to listen/review this CD. This release is another reason why Peak records is a label that needs no introduction and why it keeps being one of the strongest label releasing quality music around the world! Every release is treated like it should be: unique. The music is great and the artwork of the booklet very well conceived like always; in fact a trademark of Peak CD´s.
The Peaking Goddess Collective is formed by four musicians: Ajja S.F. Bleu (one of the members of YAB YUM), Daniel Symons, Moreno Antognini and Pearce Van Der Merwe.
Now to the music:
Hyperspace (T1) starts with some flute sounds, which will be a constant throughout the track, and of course always with electronic sounds in the background. Some percussion elements, very discrete, since this track is very smooth; this track flows like water from a fountain, always constant, without ups and downs. This track is amazing, it is excellent for opening this album. The flute sounds are psydelicious - like a leaf to the taste of the wind - and the guitar gives a great complement to the track. Both guitar and flute have their own paper in the track without overwhelming one another.
Love & Peak (T2) is a little bit tenser then the previous one, more psychedelic, not so melodic, but more trippy, it starts with some sounds of birds here and there, and some sounds of water hitting the shores of a river, or maybe it is the waves of the sea hitting the sand. At about 3:00 minutes we have an interruption and then when all the sounds appear again we get more dynamism on the music, some sounds of the guitar even remind me some Pink Floyd sounds. Basically this track gets a lot of trippy digital sounds combined together with the analog instruments that create a nice deep atmosphere.
Star Peace is the first collaboration track – it is with Sandeep Kumar (Tablas, Dholak & Dhol), and this one starts with a melancholic atmosphere, the guitar gives more sad sounds and the leads always with that psychedelic sounds on the behind. We get flute sounds at about 3:40 minutes, and even its sounds are more random, once they appear and disappear very fast, other times they are very continuum. The last part of the track, the work on the percussion gives a lot of rhythm to the music; it makes me have the desire to get up of my chair and dance!
Now we are back to the happy sounds again with Secret Fire, a track with lots of groove. So far, the track with more “movement” in the CD. The first 2 minutes are the preparation, after this, one by one; the instruments start to appear till they get all combined. The psychedelic electronic sounds used by the quartet are always so great and so smooth that without being to notice they give such a great vibe to the music. Amazing. And to finalise the track we get once more water sounds.
Rolling, is the “lady” that follows. A 132 BPM tune, that is a collaboration between Samy and the fantastic four quartet. In Rolling the electronic leads are more alive, and sure leave their mark in this track. The conjugation between the electronic filled with the analogical instruments make it interesting, either for a dance floor, a chill out, or to home. It makes it even more interesting, because it has the group sonority adapted into progressive sounds. I liked very much the final part were the guitar seems to appear distorted at the end of the riffs.
Ishtar (T6) starts with some great didgeridoo sounds, an instrument that I love, I myself have already tried to play it, but you have to control very well the breathing exercise, but I feel fascinated with the sound that comes from it. Jovis makes his collaboration playing the Didgeridoo while Gaspard Besson (the other member of YAB YUM), makes his contribute with the electronics. This track revolves around some melodical parts, very smooth; with some paused moments. I really love the didgeridoo sounds, so this track is very special to me. One of my favourites.
Being Transformation (T7) was made by the quartet and Gaspard who makes his second collaboration, while Alex Grey a psychedelic visionary gives his voice & poetry to the track. This tune is an accompaniment to Alex speaking, some wicked and twisted sounds make it awesome. I have found some tracks of this CD more intense and psychedelic than 150 BPM night tunes, you can really trip to this music, and this track is a clear case of it.
Arcana is the last track of this marvellous release. Tanina Munchkina gives voice & poetry in this one. It begins with some beautiful flute and guitar sounds. The percussive elements are also very nice. A simple music, to end this CD perfectly.
To conclude my review I just want to say that this CD is simply amazing! Like my friend Napo ( full_on ) stated in his review on IsraTrance Forum, "...This is one of that releases that get stuck inside your CDJs, when it arrives at your mail box you can say goodbye to your CD collection for a couple of weeks..." and indeed it’s true, I just got addicted to this album, and my banging music got some rest.

Recomendation:  I recommend this CD to all you psychedelic spirits out there. The work on the music is really superb. My congratulations to all the musicians and artists that contributed with their work to this release. Master Margherita made his mix in this CD – all the 8 tracks are continuum, without any interruptions. The mastering was made by Jake Perrine; the graphics and artwork made by Ajja and Tanina Munchkina.
Like I have stated sometimes before: if you are a Peak fan, you shouldn’t miss this release, if you are not, but you like good music – go get it! This CD really transports you to another dimension.

Favorite tracks:2, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Review by : a3k

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