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March 13 , 2025
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Telefon Tel-Aviv - Fahrenheit Fair Enough

 ( Hefty ,  2001 )

1. Fahrenheit Fair Enough 6:40 2. TTV 3:33 3. Lotus above Water 3:33 4. John Thomas on the Inside is Nothing But Foam 5:15 5. Life is All About Taking Things in and Putting Things Out 4:45 6. Your Face Reminds Me of When I Was Old 6:55 7. What's the Use of Feet If You Haven't Got Legs? 4:15 8. Introductory Nomenclature 4:38 9. Fahrenheit Far Away 1:22

Someone recommended this, and since I liked the weird name and their website's atmosphere (www.telefontelaviv.com) and I like to buy things blindly every once in a while (some of my best music I discovered this way), I went on and bought this on line. It was worth it- big time!

I don't know anything about these guys, but their music is just excellent. The album starts with lush atmospheric melodies sprayed on abstract and totally psychedelic squeaky breaky rhythm and percussion work. They also use an endless array of technologic sounds, and there are moments it all sounds like an orchestra of electrical equipment. As a person that does not own a cell phone for ideological reasons, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing what happened to some friends who own them when they visited and I played this CD- quite funny it was. But this is still a chilling CD, and in the middle everything gets much more relaxed, almost piano bar stuff in T5, and full of so much feel and subtle emotions in T6, just beautiful. In the end things go back to loungy, almost jazzy, music, but still enough to say with occasional jungley squeaks and tweaks.

Recomendation:  Highly recommended. A perfect ambient CD offering both background relaxation and an interesting musical story when you choose to dive inside it. Packed with musical talent and feel.
Favorites: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6(!), 8.

Review by : Shahar

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