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March 13 , 2025
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 ( Helicon Sound System ,  Feb. 2009 )

1. Kerosene Club- Gaia and the Legacy of Hoffman 6:59 2. Horror Place- Helicon 8:02 3. Karmazon- The Tartarus Chant 6:52 4. Khaos Sektor- Primordial Darkness 7:34 5. Narcosis- Nyx 7:20 6. DigitalX- The Ultimate Betrayal 7:41 7. Rawar- Cronus Rize 7:01 8. Kerberos- Tartara 6:29 9. Dark Elf & Sator Arepo- Saganaki 7:40 10. Stranger- Dreams 7:14

Ok, time for another dark psytrance compilation, and this time my evil eye has fallen on Tartara from Helicon Sound System. To tell the truth I never heard about this label before, but that might also be due to the fact that I was out of the reviewing scene for a while. Anyway, the usual is up here- dark, fast and wild psytrance with samples from horror/mystery/thriller movies. You know the drill. When I say this compilation sounds a lot like stuff from labels like Vertigo, Trantrumm or Temple Twister Records then most of the dark psytrance lovers out there will already know what's cooking here. For all the rest, here's a quick summary. Think full on, add a darker and even more present bassline, lots of samples from horror movies and a real emphasis on dark atmospheres and twisted acidic lines. Upon listening what I found interesting is that the compilation starts off with the weakest track on offer here in my opinion. Gaia and the Legacy of Hoffman falls really short, even more so because directly after it Horror Place delivers a really cool track with Helicon, with lots of dark atmosphere and some sampling from the movie Pitch Black. Karmazon quickly continues in that vein luckily, with some faster bpm and overall the compilation turns out to be really good from there on. Production wise it's great too, and with Tim Schuldt on mastering you can't go very wrong.

Recomendation:  If you're looking for a real tasty dark compilation, this is one of the best out there currently. My own personal faves here are tracks 2 ,3 and 9. If you like dark psytrance then you won't regret it!

Favorite tracks:2 ,3, 9.

Review by : Acidhive

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